Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual : Page 11 (2024)

Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual : Page 11 (1)



If the pistol fails to fire, clear and disassemble it and check for:

1. Obstructions in the chamber, bore or frame. Remove obstructions.

2. Bad ammunition. Try new am mu ni tion.

3. Damaged magazine. Replace magazine.

4. Fouling or lack of lubrication. Clean and lu bricate the pistol in ac cor dance to the instruc-

tions con tained within this manual.

5. Evidence of severely worn or broken parts. Contact HK or your unit armorer.

If your pistol still fails to operate correctly, contact your unit armorer, authorized HK dealer,

or HK's Customer Service Department for guid ance.

WARNING: If a cartridge is assembled without powder (a fault of the manufacturing

process), the primer alone has enough power to propel the bullet into the bore. A

bullet lodged in the bore may cause dam age to the barrel and/or pistol if another

car tridge is fired and could cause personal injury or even death. This event is

commonly called a “squib load” or “pop and no kick,” and is char ac ter ized by a

reduced report and little or no move ment of the slide. An alert operator could notice

the oc cur rence of this event in time to avoid firing the next cartridge.


Selection - When selecting a carrying holster for the HK P Series pistols, it is important to

consider the following points:

1. The holster must not make contact with or ac tu ate any of the operating con trols. This

includes the ham mer, slide release, magazine release lever, and most

im por tant ly the trigger. The de sign of the holster must also not actuate these con trols

when the pistol is carried in, drawn from or returned to the holster.

2. The holster should not cause the slide to move (un lock) when the pistol is returned to

the holster.

3. Accommodations must be provided in the hol ster for any accessories that might be

present on the pistol.

4. Choose a holster designed specifically for a P Series pistol. A list of manufacturers that

make holsters for a variety of HK pistols is available at the Heckler & Koch website or by

contacting HK Customer Service.

Returning the pistol to the holster - The P Series pistol must be made “Safe” (or cleared)

prior to re turn ing it to the holster. The pistol is considered safe to return it to the holster


1. All fingers are off of the trig ger and out of the trig ger guard.

2. The pistol is “clear.”

3. In DA/SA mode, pistol is deco*cked and the safety is on (if applicable)

WARNING: The pistol must never be returned to the holster unless the above

procedures have been fol lowed or injury or death could occur.


1. Store or transport the pis tol and its com po nents clean and lubricated.

2. Store and transport the pistol without cartridges in the chamber, magazine or in the

storage con tain er.

3. Store and transport the pistol with the slide forward and the hammer down (unco*cked).

4. Clean and lubricate the pistol and its com po nents at least every twelve (12) months dur-

ing storage.

5. Store the pistol and its components in a clean, dry, dust-free en vi ron ment with regulated

tem per a ture con trols.

6. Store the pistol and am mu ni tion separately under lock and key.

Long-Term Pistol Storage - Anytime the slide is moved fully rearward on any Variant 1or 2

(LEM enhanced DAO) P Series, the hammer spring is compressed and held in that position

until the co*cking piece is released by pulling the trigger on the pistol. Therefore, for long-

term storage (more than 1 year), it is suggested that the pistol rst be CLEARED (refer to

page 3) and made safe, then pointed in a safe direction and dry fired to release pressure

on the hammer spring to maintain its life span. Store magazines empty to maintain maxi-

mum spring life span.

NOTE: For optimal long-term storage, clear the V1 & V2 P Series and release

pressure on the co*cking piece and hammer spring by dry firing the pistol one time.


Figure 6

Extra Large, Large, Medium (standard), & Small Backstraps

Backstrap removal for all P Series pistols - Ensure the pistol is CLEAR and deco*cked (see

page 3) and the magazine is removed. Dry firing the pistol will relieve any tension on the

hammer spring prior to removal of the grip panel. With an appropriate metal punch, care-

fully tap out the lanyard loop roll pin (Figure 7).

Extract the pin once it is protruding from the frame. When the pin is removed, the grip

panel can be slid downward off the frame (Figure 8). Take care that the hammer strut and

hammer spring do not fall out of the frame and become lost or damaged.

Figure 7 Figure 8

Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual : Page 11 (2024)
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