Atl in Chic here down quoted scoring Coast .05: Top quoted is to U. Stock Market Averages Rail Shares Lead Stock Advance 30 20 15 Industrials. Rails. Utilities. Close ..106.66 26.10 11.52 Saturday 106.53 26.19 11.47 1942 high 114.
22 29.01 14.94 1942 low 92.92 23.31 10.58 Compiled by Dow Jones. NEW YORK, July Railroad shares led the stock market higher today with dealings slightly above last week's pace. si Despite the rise in nearly all the rails. the average showed a small net loss Louisville Nashville is included in the compilation. That issue sold ex-dividend $3 today and the average does not take this into consideration.
The other averages had minor advances. Steel issues were quiet with prices up slightly. Motors also were firm although General Motors slipped back late in the day. Oils, mercantiles. utilities and coppers were steady to firm.
Most of the aircrafts had small net gains. Amusem*nts were higher the common stock group and lower in the preferreds. In the latter Paramount preferred lost 3 points and Warner Brothers preferred points. Loew's common equaled its high for the year. A long list of issues, most of them special stocks, made new highs for the year.
A block of 3,500 shares of Commonwealth Southern sold at the previous close of 3-16. Railroads featured the news with favorable June reports. Practically of them showed substantial gains. The American Iron Steel Institute reported steel operations for this week scheduled at 97 per cent of theoretical capacity. This com- pared with 98.7 per cent in the previous week and 99.1 per cent two weeks ago.
The Institute said that tight situation in scrap and necessary shutdowns for repairs caused the recession. MOST ACTIVE STOCKS NEW YORK, July 27-(U. P. -The 15 most active stocks Stock Exchange today: Stock. Southern Pacific N.
Y. Cent Atch SP Gen Motors Line Erie Commonwealth So Penn RR Warner Bros Paramount RKO Texas Pac Gen Elec Gr West pf Steel traded on the New oYrk Net Sales. Close. Chge. 13,000 6.500 9 6.400 6,200 38 5.400 25 4.900 4.700 3-16 4,500 3,500 3.000 23 3,000 2,900 2.700 2.600 111 2.500 Rail Bonds Climb In Irregular Market NEW YORK, July P.I--A modcrate advance in domestic railroad obligations marked an otherwise narrowly moving market for listed bonds in quiet trading today.
Gains in railroad generally were limited to fractions, Menth, a Industrials few issues and wide advances. utilities held around previous closing levels. Foreign dollar funds followed An ir- course. regular Trading in S. government loans was restricted treasury of 1965, off 3-32 to 110 15-32.
$1.50 a Bale Break In Cotton Futures NEW YORK. July -Cotton futures broke about $1.50 a bale today under the weight erations. Final prices were around the day's nominally at off 26 points. Open. October .18.60 December 18.74 January 18.77 March 18.87 May .18.93 July of technical consid- off 27 to 30 points, lowest levels.
Spot was 19.73 cents a pound, High. Low. Close. 18.62 18.36 18.36-.37 18.74 18.50 18.50-,52 18.77 18.63 18.55n 18.89 18.62 18.62-.63 18.94 18.70 18.70 18.94 18.74 18.74 LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON, July prices held to a narrowly irregular trend quiet dealings on the stock exchange today. British Government bonds mostly were amounts.
with the War Loan small at Brazilian, Chilean and Mexican loans hardened in the foreign bond list. Domestic industrial stocks were dull and steady. Oils and South African gold shares eased slightly, but other sections of the stock list were barely changed, CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE CHICAGO, July -Butter and closed firm on the Merpotato futures cantile Exchange today with the latter commodity shooting 8 points higher. Eggs were steady. Closing prices: Storage standards: November ButterJanuary 40.40a, up .15.
40.00. unchanged; 33.95n: October 34.50n; November 34.70a, Eggs--Refrigerator standards: September off December 34.85n. Potatoes-Idahos, November, 2.85, up .08. U. S.
Treasury Statement. ceipts. net deficit, 311.258.13: cash balance. debt. $80.870,712,903.09.
public WASHINGTON, July Govand receipts for the ernment expenses current fiscal year through July 24: Re- Notice hereby given that pursuant to the of the Indenture between provisions The Mengel Company and MercantileCommerce Bank and Trust Company, as Trustee, dated March 1, 1937. bonds of the above described issue, in the aggregate principal amount of $225.000.00. numbered as follows: Bonds of $500.00 Denomination Bearing the Distinguishing Letter 360 419 530 568 681 728 782 1 119 258 136 271 362 445 533 574 695 747 786 282 364 446 551 606 703 753 788 79 144 86 173 286 374 482 559 627 718 766 795 99 199 306 376 502 560 633 722 772 105 203 358 417 512 562 667 726 775 Bonds of $1.000.00 Denomination Bearing the Distinguishing Letter 200 395 586 763 942 1217 1424 1639 1856 17 215 397 626 765 958 1218 1441 1646 1858 21 220 402 628 775 961 1231 1446 1660 1866 59 236 407 642 777 971 1235 1449 1670 1891 62 240 409 648 779 977 1258 1452 1676 1892 73 248 415 663 804 996 1259 1458 1680 1906 85 251 437 665 809 1006 1271 1466 1694 1913 88 252 444 669 816 1039 1277 1476 1703 1940 90 253 478 677 822 1045 1280 1484 1711 1954 151 256 507 683 825 1058 1303 1499 1718 1962 155 263 508 685 827 1088 1306 1523 1720 1964 158 267 518 690 831 1098 1324 1535 1730 1973 162 294 525 698 833 1111 1341 1539 1734 1992 177 314 537 704 849 1120 1356 1540 1771 2020 183 333 541 706 855 1128 1383 1545 1781 2030 186 346 543 724 867 1132 1390 1551 1801 2047 191 359 551 725 900 1142 1400 1572 1802 193 371 562 730 918 1165 1405 1585 1813 194 372 571 754 923 1176 1410 1621 1828 195 378 584 762 935 1185 1420 1625 1852 are called for redemption on September 1942 in accordance with the Sinking Fund provisions of said Indenture. All of said bonds will be redeemed on September 1, 1942. upon presentation thereof.
together with all unmatured interest coupons thereto appertaining. at the office of the Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company in the City of St. Louis, Missouri. or at the option of the holder at the office of the Chase National Bank in the City of New York, New York. or at the office of the Kentucky Title Trust Company in Louisville, Kentucky, by payment of of the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to September 1, 1942.
No further interest will accrue on any of the above designated bonds after September 1. 1942, and the coupons attached thererto maturing after said date will become null and void. All rights of holders of the above designated bonds hereby called for redemption to convert the same into Common Stock of the Company as therein provided will expire, and such bonds will be redecmed in accordance with this notice unless the conversion privilege is exercised prior to 3:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.
August 27. 1942. THE MENGEL COMPANY, By ALVIN A. VOIT. President.
Dated at Louisville, Kentucky, July 6, 1942. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION. TO THE HOLDERS OF THE MENGEL COMPANY FIRST MORTGAGE CONVERTIBLE SINKING FUND BONDS: ST. LOUIS STAR- -TIMES New York Stocks NEW YORK, July closing prices on a traded in on the change: Security. Close.
Homestake 4.50. Air Reduc Allis-Chal 25 Am Air Am Can 2.75d.. 64 Am Loco Am Am Smelt 2a Am 9. Am Tob 1.75d Anaconda Atchison Bendix 3d 31 Beth Steel Boeing Air Borg-Warn Caterpillar 2 35 Chrysler 2d Colgate-P-P Credit 3.. Com Solv Cons Edis Curtiss-Wri Deere 22 Dome Min 1.30d Douglas Air Dow Chem Du Pont 2.25d.
East Air Eastm Kod 133 El Auto-L 1.25d Firestone Gen Elec 1.40.. Gen Motors 1d. 38 Goodrich Goodyear Grt Nor pid 1d 213, Greyhound 1 Herc Pdr 1.10d. Ill Central 7 Ind Ray 2a 23 Int Harvest 2.. Int Mer Int Nickel Int Shoe 1.35d.
28 Int 20 Kennecott 1d KresgeSS 1.20a. LOF Glass B2.25d Lockheed Air Loew's 2 Mack Truck 1d Following is an used in the above list: declared or paid so on accumulated year; eCash or stock: 27. Following are selected list of stocks New York Stock Ex- Security. Close. Macy 2 Minn Hny 42 Monsanto 28 Mont Ward 2 Nash Kelv 513 Nat Avia 7 NatCashReg la.
Nat Steel 3a Central 9 Ohio Oil Otis Elev Owens Ill Gl 2. 51 Pac 2. Packard Pan Am Air 17 Penny 3a Penn Id Pepsi Cola 1d Public Serv Pullman la Radio Rem Rand Repub Steel Safeway 3a St Jos Lead 1d. Sears Reo Socony Vac .50. Sou Pac Sou Ry Sperry 231 Std Oil Ind la.
Std Oil Cal Std Oil la. Swift Col.20a Co Texas Gulf Tide Wa Oil.60a Twenty Fox Union Car 2.25d Un Oil Cal 1... Un Airc 1d Un Airl 11 US Ind Alc 29 US Rubber US Steel do pid 7 Vanadium Wabash pid 4.50 Warner Bros West Un 1d West Elec Woolworth 1.60. Yellow Trk Young Sh 1.50d. Zenith 1d explanation of symbols aPlus cash extras; far this year; cPaydividends; bPaid last yEx-dividend.
St. Louis Stocks ST. LOUIS STOCK EXCHANGE, July prices were mixed in quiet trade on the exchange here today. Total sales today were 225 shares, as compared with 270 shares last Monday. SALES RECORDED Stocks and Net Div.
Rates. Sales High.Low. Close. Ch'ge. Burkart 25 16 16 16 Col Brew 54 7 6 Inter Shoe 1.80.
66 Nat. Candy 20 Wagner El 60 aPaid or declared so far this year. bPaid last year. or declared since start of 1ts fiscal year. Increase.
-Decrease. Unchanged. CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bid. Ask. Columbia Brewing 6 75 7 50 Dr.
Pepper 10 00 11 00 Emerson Electric 75 Emerson Electric pid. 94 00 101 Mo. Port. 12 50 13 Globe- pid 110 00 114 National Candy 10 50 11 International Shoe 27 75 28 88898 Rice-Stix 5 50 in St. L.
Pub. Serv. 7 25 7 75 Scullin Steel 7 00 7 Sterling Aluminum 5 75 6 50 Wagner Electric 22 50 BondsLaclede Gas 1953. 84 50 Laclede Gas 1960. 84 50 Scullin 3s 80 00 82 00 ST.
LOUIS CLEARINGS Clearings today totaled year ago, $21,300,000 Total to date, 700,000: year ago, $3.293,900.000. Reports of debits for July 25: Individual accounts, $23,300,000. Hogs 10 To 15c Lower 'At National Stockyards NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, July 27. -(U. S.
Dept. Agriculture)HOGS--Receipts were 14,000, all salable. Weights 170 to 240 lbs. 10c to 15c lower than average Friday; lighter weights and heavier weights steady; sOWS 25c to 35c lower: bulk good and choice 170 to 270 lbs. top 280 to 325 lbs.
140 to 160 Ibs. 100 to 130 lbs. sows 13.35. CATTLE -Receipts were 4,900, salable calves 2,200, salable 2.000. Market active; steers and heifers steady to strong; cows nad bulls steady: good and choice steers averages at the top; medium steers good and choice mixed yearlings and heifers 13.50, medium common and medium cows canners and cutters medium to good sausage bulls vealers 25c lower; good and chaice $14.25.
medium to good $11.75 and $13. Nominal range of slaughter steers slaughter heifers stocker and feeder steers SHEEP-Receipts were 8.500, salable 7.500. Spring lambs steady to 25c lower. Sheep steady. Two double of mostly clipped spring lambs $14.25, bulk $14 cown; bucks discounted $1 per culls and common throwouts clipped slaughter ewes $5.50 down.
Fruits And Vegetables PRODUCE ROW, July S. Dept. Agriculture) -Prices quoted below cover sales on today's wholesale market in less than carlot quantities, unless otherwise stated: APPLES -Bushel baskets U. S. No.
1: Illinois and Missouri, duch*ess, best. Trentons, min. unclassified $1.50. Nearby, bushel boxes various varieties, 75c- $1.15. BEANS -Michigan bushel baskets baskets Tndergreens.
Ohio. climax Tendergreens, $1. Nearby, bushel boxes Round and Pole, best, BEETS -Nearby, per dozen bunches, 20- 30c. BLUEBERRIES -Florida, pints, CANTALOUPES Salmon Meats, Arizona, standard crates 45s, jumbo crates 455, Arkansas, bushel boxes, mostly Nearby, bushel boxes, 2.15. CABBAGE- -Illinois and Iowa, 50-lb.
sacks Domestic Round type, Wisconsin, bulk per ton, $35-40. Nearby, 40-60c. CARROTS- fair A. crates quality, 6 Ohio, nia. Climax baskets, 90c.
Nearby, per doz. bunches, 20-40c. CELERY- -Michigan, per doz. stalks Golden Hearts, large, 60c. Hearts 24s, 35- 40c.
Ohio, Climax baskets 185-24s, Pascal, $1.40. CELERY CABBAGE- Ohio, Climax baskets. $1.10. CORN -Nearby. per doz.
Golden 1 Bantam and white, 15-25c. CUCUMBERS -Nearby, bu. boxes, 50c- $1.75, mostly PLANT -Nearby, bu. boxes 12s-16s, ENDIVE Climax baskets, 65c. GRAPES Nearby, 8-qt.
baskets, 60c. KALE Ohio, Climax baskets, 75c. LETTUCE- L. A. crates Iceberg typeCalifornia, Salinas Dist.
45, Michigan, bu. baskets Leaf, 80-90c. Ohio, Climax baskets Leaf, 65c. Nearby, boxes Leaf, 25-60c MUSHROOMS -Midwestern, 1-pt. cartons.
15c. BUTTER BEANS -Nearby, 8-qt. baskets, ONIONS 50-lb. sacks: California, Yellows, large $1.40, medium $1.30. Iowa, Yellows, U.
S. No. 1, medium, Indiana, Yellows, $1.25. Nearby, bushel boxes Reds, Whites and mostly 50- 75c. GREEN ONIONS Ohio, climax baskets, 75c.
Wisconsin, per dozen bunches, 30- 40c. Nearby. per dozen bunches, 15-25c. OKRA-Texas. bushel hampers, 2.75.
Tennessee, climax baskets, 1.75. PARSLEY-Nearby, per dozen bunches. 10-15c. PEPPERS Nearby, bushel boxes California Wonders and World Beaters. PEAS -Colorado and Idaho, bushel baskets.
POTATOES-100-lb. sacks: Idaho Triumphs, U. S. No. 1, washed, California Long Whites, U.
S. No. 1, washed, $4.50. Nebraska Triumphs, U. S.
No. 1, washed, Missouri Cobblers. Triumphs, Arkansas Triumphs, good quality and condition, Nearby, bushel boxes Cobblers. 50-70c. PEACHES -Arkansas bu.
baskets Elbertas, U. S. No. 1 and U. S.
commercials, 2 to Texas Elbertas, U. S. No. 1, 2 to $3. RADISHES Wisconsin boxes Reds, 1.65.
climax baskets, 65c. RHUBARB- -Nearby bu. boxes, 20-30c. SPINACH- Ohio 16-quart baskets, 75- 90c. Michigan bu.
boxes, $1.35. Nearby bu. boxes flat. 40c. SQUASH- Nearby lettuce boxes and bu.
boxes, White. 25-40; Italian type. 40-50c. SWEET POTATOES Arkanas bu. baskets Nancy Halls, $3.
Louisiana bu. crates Porto Ricans. $3.25. Nearby bu. boxes Nancy Halls, TOMATOES -Nearby bu.
boxes, 1.75, mostly TURNIPS -Ohio climax baskets, topped and washed. $1.25. WATERMELONS Arkansas, Mississippi. Georgia. Missouri and Texas, bulk per various varieties, Oats Firm; Other Grains Ease Off CHICAGO.
July and corn futures dipped fractionally lower in dull dealings on the Board of Trade today as grainmen awaited further news from Washington regarding future anti-inflation action. Oats futures were independently firm, while rye was steady, and soy beans were down. Wheat closed a bushel lower. corn off to oats up rye unchanged to up soy beans off to 1c. Oats futures claimed more attention than any of the other markets and moved up briskly under a combined local and commission house demand.
Prices advanced to the best levels since the last week of May. The relatively high feeding value of the grain and the unseasonably light movement of new crop oats served as con-. structive factors. Although the quality of soft winter wheat failed to meet expectations, 1942 hard red winter wheat is very much improved, according to the Agricultural Marketing Administration. ST.
LOUIS MERCHANAS' EXCHANGE. July receipts today totaled 276,000 including 86 cars local and 98 cars through, against 417,000 bu. last week and 171.000 bu. last year. Corn receipts today totaled 169,500 including 112 cars local and 1 car through, against 117,000 bu.
last week and 52,500 bu. last year. Oats receipts today totaled 32,000 including 14 cars local and 2 cars through, against 72,000 bu. last week and 46,000 bu. last year.
ST. LOUIS CASH GRAIN Wheat in good demand, market higher, cars sold: No. 3 soft, old, weevil, No. 4 red garlicky, 1.20; No. red garlicky, tough, No.
5 red garlicky, damaged, No. 5 tough, sample garlicky, heating and musty, No. 5 hard, tough, No. 4 tough, Corn in good demand, market lower, 14 cars sold; No. 1 yellow, No.
2 yellow. No. 3 yellow, 88c: No. 4 yellow, two cars mixed yellow grades, Oats in good demand. market steady to higher, five cars sold; No.
1 mixed, No. 1 red. No. 2 red, RANGE OF GRAIN FUTURES Prev. High.
Low. Ciose. Close. SEPTEMBER WHEAT Chi. 119 K.
C. 112 Minn. DECEMBER WHEAT Chi. 122 K. C.
115 Minn. MAY WHEAT Chi. 126 K. C. 119 Minn.
69 a DECEMBER RYE Chi. MAY RYE Chi. 771 OCTOBER SOY BEANS Chi. 172a DECEMBER SOY BEANS Chi. 173 a LARD September 12.90a 12.90n 12.85 12.90n May 12.90b 12.90n aAsked.
bBid. Nominal. MILLFEED FUTURES MARKET Milfeed futures closed irregular. Local delivery gray shorts 10c up to 25c off. Chicago delivery standard bran 10c to 25c off.
Middlings steady to 25c off. Settling Prices (Dollars Per Ton). St. Louis Chicago Chicago Gray shorts. Std.
Bran. Std. Midds July 34.15 August 35.00 34.00 35.00 September 35.60 34.50 34.50 35.85 34.90 35.00 November 36.00 35.45 35.50 December 36.00 35.70 35.90 Poultry, Butter, Eggs MONDAY'S PRICES Prices for live poultry, eggs and butter are the gross selling prices in wholesale quantities by receivers and sellers reported by the St. Louis Daily Market Reporter. EGGS Extra firsts, 34c; firsts, current receipts, 28c: pullets, 25c.
BUTTER-Quote whole milk extras. 92 score, standards, 90 score, firsts, 88 to 89 score, seconds, 86 to 87 score, 33-35c; country roll, 20-22c. BUTTERFAT No. 1, 36c; No. 2.
33c; net country stations. CHEESE Jobbing per pound: Northern twins and cheddars. flats and singles, longhorns, daisies, prints, bricks, loaf, 4 to 5 pounds, process, 5- pound loaf. American and brick. pimiento, Swiss, nearby, POULTRY FOWLS-5 pounds and over.
19c; light, pounds and over, 19c; Leghorns, No. 2, 5c. SPRING CHICKENS Over pounds: Arkansas White Rocks, 24c; Arkansas Plymouth Rocks. 24c; local White Rocks. 23c; 21c; local Plymouth Rocks, 23c; colored.
black and green-legged, 17c; No. 2, 13-15c. Thin-breasted No. 1 chickens, 2-4c discount. FRYERS pounds and under, Arkansas Plymouth Rocks, 23c: Arkansas White Rocks, 23c; local White Rocks, 22c; local Plymouth Rocks, 23c; Leghorns, 19c: colored, 20c; black and green-legged, 17c; local Barebacks, 17c; No.
2, 13-15c. Thin-breasted No. 1 chickens, 2 to 4c discount. ROOSTERS -Old co*cks, DUCKS -Young white. 4 pounds and over, 12c: young, small, white, 11c; old.
white. 8c: dark, Tc. BROILERS to 2 pounds: White Rocks, 21c; Plymouth Rocks, 21c; colored, 20c; Leghorns, 20c; barebacks, 17c; small, under pounds, 17c; black and greenlegged, 17c. Thin-breasted No. 1 chickens 2-4c discount.
GEESE- Te. TURKEYS -Hens, 23c: toms, 19c; No. 2, 15c. GUINEAS -Per dozen. $3.
SQUABS -Dressed. 25-30c. PIGEONS -Per dozen, 90c. VEALS Strictly choice, $14.50: fair to good, common and medium. rough and underfed.
9.50. LAMBS Spring, $13-14: medium to fair, $11-12; cull lambs, $7-9; fat sheep, Railroad Reports CHICAGO, July Topeka Santa Fe Railway report for the six months ended June 30 a net operating income of $27.549,308, compared with $13.847,475 in the corresponding period last year. For June the carrier's net operating income was $6.109,623 against $3,346.274. -June1942. 1941.
Balt. Ohio $19,342,077 Missouri-Pacific 3,955.941 750.634 Gulf Coast 472,678 95.500• Int'l Great 220.764 55.586* M-K-T 625.210 331,415 St. 2,193,028 1,112,821 St. L. 666,752 53.007 Wabash 735,028 832,355 CURB MARKET NEW YORK, July 27.
(U. stocks moved moderately lower in quiet dealings today. National Power Light 6 preferred and United Shoe led the setback with declines of more than 2 points each. Elsewhere the market generally showed fractional loses. although a few issues managed to eke out small gains.
Sales were 44,420 shares against 42,280 Friday. COOK P. V. CO. PROFIT Cook Paint Varnish Co.
reports for the seven months of its fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, net profit of $253.772 after federal and state income and excessprofits taxes. This compares with net profit of 329 in similar period in preceding year. MARRIAGE LICENSES Perry Harman S. Jefferson Helen L. Veninga .3315 S.
Jefferson Richard E. Knichel Robinson, Ark. Dorothy May Hassemer 1524 McCausiand Adrian E. Ranney Barracks Shirley V. Brandt Wash.
Thomas Tate .716 N. Sarah Agnes Todd 4474A Fairfax Tom W. Collins Marseilles, Ill. Blanche V. Campbell Ill.
Grover C. Roberts 4004 Westminster Anna Elizabeth ..3944 Westminster Kenneth J. Manthey Barracks Stella C. Czapla Victor John R. West Ill.
Beulah M. Gaylord West Frankfort, Ill. Sidney W. Braff Springs, Colo. Ethel Lott .5768 Westminster George John Schaefer, Jr.
.705 Marion Anna Scholbe .2909 Salena David W. Adams .3900 West Belle Mrs. Martha A. Adams City, Mo. Frank Hill Prestwood Ohio Mrs.
Ella Dodds Cleveland, Ohio Charles P. Gerity, Jr. Ill. Jane V. Nietschmann Ill.
James F. Stohlmeyer Field, Ill. Edna Hatten .5136 Page Johnnie E. Barczewski, Jr. ...4934 Thrush Caroline M.
Metecki .2732 Russell Ben Zanchi Benld. Ill. Luisa Tpprolito Crystal City, Mo. John F. Wilson .4339 Prairie Marie F.
Sullivan Louis County Carmen J. Caringella Ill. Margie Young Chicago, Ill. John E. Setlack Bend, Ind.
Ida Lee Lively South Bend, Ind. Leonard H. Barbee Westfield, Ill. Marjory J. Simes Ill.
William O. Champeau Rhinelander, Wis. Mrs. Hannah Farr Rhinelander, Wis. Jimmie O'Day East St.
Louis Maude McLendon East St. Louis Luther Shockley Patrick Harvey, Ill. Geraldine Edward Levis Shepard Peoria, Mrs. Sarah Thompson Peoria, Ill. Peter J.
Gleim Ill. Ada E. Daehn Ill. Harlan E. Kelley.
Ill. Pauline L. Bapp. Ill. Thomas S.
Claremont, Ill. Girlis L. Ill. Raymond L. Ft.
Knox, Ky. Shirley J. Sunderman, Council Bluffs, Ia. Ernest C. Tidrington.
.1522 Pine Mrs. Edith Scott Pine Ludwig H. Schmitt. Young, Cal. Dorothy P.
Spieldoch. .6640 Washington Lloyd Sandwich. Mary Jane Bloomington, Ill. Charlie Cuffee. Ind.
Mary Ind. Carl A. Elgin, Ill. Lorraine P. Ill.
Jack Dunman. Melrose Park, Gertrude Alden. Chicago, Ill. Frank G. Maxwell.
Chicago, HI. Virginia M. Ill. Frank V. Smith, M.
-Kansas City, Mo. Catherine Elizabeth Burkhardt -Louisville, Ky. Dan Mrs. Edna Franklin. .4125 .4125 W.
Belle J. C. Crossville, Ill. Mrs. Cassie Louise Crossville, Ill.
Frank D. Ky. Ann Louisville, Ky. Will Buckner. .310 Barry Mrs.
Mary .1308 S. Third Rodney Embry. Dayton, Ohio Ella White. Dayton, Ohio Louis R. .5622 Delmar Josephine .610 Leland John Henry .3237 Pine Elizabeth 3236 Pine Daniel Elliott.
1828 Cole Mrs. Willie N. 14th Sheldon Harvey, Ill. Carol Harvey, Ill. Glenn A.
.4439 Minnesota Cecelia M. 8441 Tennessee Frank .1015 N. Seventh Catherine .516 S. Garrison Wesley J. Anderson.
Peoria, Ill. Bernadine R. Burbidge. Peoria, Ill. Arthur C.
Bode. Randolph Field. Tex. Marie A. .4966 Odell Eugene J.
Wolosyk. 1609 Helen Jeanette P. Rybinski. 1616A N. 16th Jerome E.
Ore. Velma F. 4117 Shaw Lamal Long 3035 Pine Ethel Morrison 2414A Glasgow Max Eugene Weber .1515 Vlae pl. Mrs. Gladys Irene Burnett.
1503 S. Seventh Anson E. Yackley 1727 Waverly pl. Ilene Ridenour 1624 Mississippi Alphonse B. Charles, 111.
Florence Mickley Ill. Chester S. Dillree Overland, Mo. Verna B. Tuttle Kirksville, Mo.
Mrs. Homer Ingler Katherine Beal Evansville, Evansville, Ind. Michael A. Des Arc, Kan. Farris O.
.2651 Allen Ebish H. 1116A S. Compton Mary Watson 1116 S. Compton John Rayford .2947 Laclede Mrs. Adelia .2216 Hickory George E.
Miller East St. Louis, Ill. Mrs. Dicy M. East St.
Louis, Ill. James C. Hollahan. Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Helen L.
Sheridan, Ill. George L. .2207 N. Broadway Mrs. Hazel F.
N. Broadway Stanley Patula Ill. Mrs. Helen Leins Ill. Stanley Hutcherson Ind.
Alma Lee Flannery Ind. Chester Combest .6129 Wagner Mr. Jean ...5227 Northland Harold Brown Mary Beachler Ind. Hiram Wyant Mrs. Chester Terry Shobiner, Ill.
James D. .1625 Second Juanita Mitchell 1623 S. Second Joseph Wood Scott Field, Ill. Susan M. Gutting 5207 N.
Broadway Clarence R. SchoonoverFt. Leonard Wood. Mo. Ruth L.
Hubbard Winona, Minn. Ernest T. Elschlepp. ...5552 Maple H. Bernice Moore Ill.
Archie Goldschmidt Rock Hill, Mo. Virginia Lee Dickens Maplewood John W. King 4422 Delmar Mrs. Beatrice L. Perkins ..1323 N.
Taylor John Bridgeforth 2743 Clark Annis Winfrey 231 S. Beaumont Odo Hutson 4412 Blaine Mrs. Clara Mae 1202 Tower Grove David W. Greer 2912A Arsenal Mrs. Opal B.
Anderson No. 7 Benton pl. John F. Kovach 4318 Gannett Doris Mae .4067 Phillips Howard Ed Mays 1214 N. Garrison Margaret Harris St.
Louis William R. McHaney, Adelaide Geraldine A. Hilton .4026 Labadie Edgar Wayne Watts .2409 S. Ninth Flossie Kordene Broyles Louis Charles Edward Elmore Chicago, Ill. Martha Kiefer Belleville, Ill.
Heinz W. Maienthau Ill. Beatrice Stronstorff Chicago, Ill. Arnold Murrell Decatur, Ill. Verna Goins Springfield, Ill.
Arthur H. Mueller 5373 Theodosia Gertrude Koenig 3620 Iowa Theodore D. Jefferson Barracks Gyneth E. Hill Decour, Ind. Donald R.
Burnette Franklin, Ind. Anna E. Havens Franklin, Ind. Carl A. O'Kada 2008 St.
Louis Fay Star Stovall .2604 Slattery Robert C. Ekard Rockford, Marilyn Baker Rockford, Ill. LeRoy G. Kamin Scott Field, Ill. Gladys M.
Pilsky Chicago, Ill. Leo L. Sukut Scott Field, Dorothy M. Baker Centralia, Ill. James E.
Powell E. St. Louis, Ill. Mary E. King 905 Brooklyn Verner R.
Hodges 1945 North Market Thelma M. Severs 2210 Blair John A. White 2808 Washington Celestine Moore .1351 N. Garrison William F. Poff Ind.
Mildred I. Steele .1212 N. Euclid Myrle A. Courtright Kan. Emily Nancy Moeckel Henrietta Jack H.
Reynolds Maplewood Ruth E. Davis 1414 Montclair Theodore Eskridge 4371 West Belle Mattie Gage 1408 N. Pendleton Leo Weiss Brookley Field, Alabama Mildred Langkopf 3656 Hartford Vernon W. Mayer 4111 Quincy Aurelia Marie Van Itaska Harold Raymond Sauer .2133 Sulphur Mary Marks 6419 Arsenal Herschal R. Cassy Republic, Mo.
Eleanor G. Schulte. 7807A S. Broadway Willie Hill 2325A Carr Earnestine Walker. .619 N.
Leffingwell Joe Petkus Auburn, Ill. Mrs. Mary Walantus Auburn, Ill. Eugene M. Lewis Rockford, Ill.
Doris Carroll Rockford, Ill. ST. CHARLES. Albert Wahl Ill. Marie Thomas San Diego, Cal, Robert McCann Alton, Ill.
Erna Wallace East Alton, Ill. Walter Bechtel Louis Ruth Mark Louis Arch Price Jerseyville, Margaret Redman Alton. Ill. Allen Boyd Louis Margaret Droelle Louis Walter Buechele High Didge, Mo. Josephine Robison High Ridge, Mo.
Rolf Kellar Granite City. Ill. Leota Spratley Venice, Ill. Charles Moade Ill. Ruby Thompson Ill.
Raymond Shade Carlinville, Ill. Mary Reamer John Hoydn Chicago, Ill. Ralphina Benedictus Ill. Walter Laningham Park, Ill. Kathleen Wilmeth Park, Ill.
Harry Wilson Ohio Audrey Ryan Louis George Anselment Zola Gay William Loyd Webster Groves Sybil O'Neil University City James Mifflin East St. Louis Virginia Marshall East St. Louis Donald Buck Beements, Ill. Margaret Cassidy Ill. Lyle Fisher Bend, Ind.
Alice Empson Urbana, Ill. Carl Turner Ill. Eileen Turner Ill. David Morgan Ill. Charlene Price Newton, Ill.
MONDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1942. Clarence Sharrow Salem, Ill. Irene Slaon Farina, Ill. Reed Faith West Union, Ill. Hildred Gideon West Union, Ill.
Metcalf Greenfield, Ill. Emma Rucks Ill. James Hobart Roscoe, Ill. Wanda Null Harley Martin Lansing, Mich. Dorothy Sonneborn Lansing, Mich.
Ralph Meyerkord Baden Station Irene Walters Louis Dominic Zappeia Springfield, Anita Jones Springfield, Ill. John Branson Ill. Mildred Davis Chicago, Ill. Albert Gottfried Louis Margaret Schreirer Louis Frank Hickerson Lafayette, Ind. Zelda French Lafayette, Ind.
Rufus Johnson Louis Ruby Morgan Louis BIRTHS BOYS. Alfred and Lola Halls, 4108 Juniata. Edwin and Elvira Althage, Maplewood, Mo. George and Virginia Knapp, Lenzburg. Ill.
Carlton and Bessie Walsh. 2713 S. 12th. William and Loretta Parker, 7253 Arsenal. Charles and Maria Tice.
Glendale, Mo. Dennis and Florence Brookshire, Newburg, Mo. Paul and Lucille McLain, 5030 Mardel. David and Beatrice Paige, 8837 Madge. John and Estelle Hammer, Lemay, Mo.
Joseph and Verlaine Dawkins, 3135 Louisiana. William and Genevieve Holtgreve, Gardenville, Mo. Charles and Corine Dexheimer, University City, Mo. James and Ann Smith, 3127. S.
Jefferson. Neal and Frances Compton, Brentwood, Mo. John and Mathilda Good, Webster Groves, Mo. Glennis and Dorothy Marvel, 5718 Clarence and Connie Moore, 7727 Water. Jack and Sarah Funk, 7234 Balsom.
Giles and Barbara Douglas, 8245 Appleton. John and Pearl Trosper, 3146 Ohio. Sam and Myrtle Giambalvo, 7654 N. Broadway. Charles and Carolyn Linn, 2152 Nebraska.
Albert and Mary Killian, 3900 W. Belle. Wade and Lelia Heiskell. Kirkwood. Mo.
Clarence and Lillian Klingert, Olive Street rd. John and Martha McInerney, 5519 Ashland. John and Blanche Kelley, Maplewood, Mo. GIRLS. Thomas and Vardell Hankins, East St.
Louis. Karl and Edith Pries, 3953A St. Ferdinand. Harry and Maxie Davis, 1219 Chambers. Raymond and Lorene Hendrix, 6018 Lloyd.
Michael and Sophia Reickert, 1982 Arsenal. Raymond and Margaret Gerlt, 1370A Montclair. Joseph and Anna Murphy, University City, Mo. Wilder and Ruth Lucas, 5875 Cabanne. Edward and Wilma Kuntzman, 4620 Lexington.
Harry and Jean Sharp, 4112 Delmar. Jacob and Adele Kelman, 1285 Goodfellow. Tom and Lois Colombo, 4700 Greer. Vincent and Minnie Licavoli, 1325 N. 14th.
Lawrence and Vera Ward, 5503 Wren. Herbert and Gladys Brandenburger, 4013 Shreve. Fred and La Verne Poege, 1023 Hamilton. Harold and Louise Thompson, 1535 McCausland. Robert and Cora Murray, Northwoods, Mo.
Clifford and Loretta Greene. 4237 Iowa. Clemo and Hazel James, 5935 Lillian. Walter and Eva Watson. 4243 Laclede.
William and Bernice Pappas, 2130 Cleveland pl. John and Alice Hegwein, 5915 Floy. John and Violet Thiemann, Kirkwood, Mo. ST. LOUIS COUNTY.
Boys Essel and Susie Johnson, Kinloch. Alvin and Gladys Haile, Lemay. Claude and Elaine Burns, Berkeley City. Edward and Vida Moore, Carsonville. James and Ruby La Londe, 4128 McPherson.
Chalmer and Doris Lyon, Wellston. Nathan and Bertha Beckert, 2610 Blair. Ralph and Jeanette Urban, 19 W. Kearney. Herman and Helen Wood, Normandy.
Dewitt and Roberta Moses, Richmond Heights. Joseph and Ruth Corley. Webster Groves. Odo and Rosemary Wegmann, 4845 Flad. Stewart and Lillian Cooper, Overland.
William and Genevieve Craddock, Maplewood (twins). John and Mary McShaffry, 6906 Bruno. Nicholas and Edna Cassinatis. 4951 Terry. Hy.
and Charlotte Mannie, East St. Louis. Ill. Charles Alberta Korando. Overland.
Walter and Mildred Blackwell, Webster Groves. Arnold and Lou Van-Mill, Vinita Park. Walter and Omie Kazan, 3521A N. 11th. Arthur and Marcella Trampe.
Florissant. Frank and Catherine Kerbler, Lemay. Roy and Bernice Schuler, Florissant. Stephen and Margaret Seminger, Lemay. Andrew and Rosa Filicko, Ferguson.
Claude and Juanita Davis, Kinloch. Leroy and Olivia Peebles. Kinloch. August and Mary Peters, Florissant. Orville and Marie Cross, Lemay.
Marion and Theresa Ferrett. 3846A Humphrey. Sidney and Helen Trojahn, Shrewsbury. Hy. and Mary Nolan, Richmond Heights.
Walter and Lillie Hall. Overland. Oscar and Ella Lichtenberg. Florissant. Frederick and Nata Williams, Belleville, Illinois.
BURIAL PERMITS Elizabeth Brown, 13, 4171, West Belle. Mary Reither, 83. Nashville, Ill. Leora West, 36, 4134 Maryland. Barbara Kreher, 72, 5000 Minnesota.
Storman, 66, 2825 Lyndhurst. Hettie Marlen, 61. 4357 Swan. May Niland, 63, 1926 President. Vincent Jablonowski, 53, 5716 Saloma.
Oliver Chrisman, 75, 7118 Virginia. Mildred Hankerson, 32. 8009 Kingsbury. Lula Lowery, 51, 3721 Garfield. Mary Taylor, 79, 4921 Theodore.
Laura Dieckmann, 73. 4500 Washington. Mary H-, 92, 3161 Roger pl. Gilbert Braun, 26, 4327A Oregon. Laura Thompson.
64. 3003 Lawton. Agnes Kreidler, 73, 2826 Arsenal. Essie Burdette, 36, 1018 N. Whittier.
Fritz Glae, 92. Rhineland, Mo. Lee Quillian, 62, 3117 Cherokee. Mable Schirmer, 56, 5168 Christy. Annie Gill, 74, 917 Belt.
Benjamin Savignac. 60. 7007 Pernod. Myrtle Nixon, 42, 4304 Garfield. Ann Breitenstein, 29, 7121 Minnesota.
Katie Saxon, 69. 704 S. 18th. Henry Tinner, 54, 2222 Spruce. Curt Koenig, 78, 4659 Louisiana.
Clara Creley, 74, 5800 Arsenal. Fred Reidlinger, 53, Highland, Ill. Alois Forrer. 66, 3620 Humphrey. Barbara Wondriska, 82, 4510A S.
Compton. Joseph Smith, 63. 4243W North Market. Charles Wiethuechter, 81, 2664 Nebraska. Deaths Gilbert M.
Braun Funeral services for Gilbert M. Braun, 26, of 4327A Oregon who died Thursday, were held today at the Southern Funeral Home, 6322 S. Grand followed by interment in Our Redeemer Cemetery. Mrs. Louise Beck Funeral services will be held at 2 p.
m. tomorrow at the Moydell Funeral Home, Mississippi and Allen for Mrs. Louise Beck. of 1825A Dolman who died Saturday. Interment will be in Concordia Cemetery.
Mrs. Margaret E. Drury Mrs. Margaret E. Drury.
45, of 4953 Highland who died Saturday, will be buried in Calvary Cemetery tomorrow after services at 9 a. m. at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2701 Kingshighway Memorial blvd. The arrangements are being handled by the Sullivan Funeral Home, 2849 N. Euclid av.
Michael Fleming Funeral services for Michael Fleming, who died Friday, will be held at 9 a. m. tomorrow at St. Bridget's Church, 1100 N. Jefferson followed by burial in Calvary Cemetery.
The Leidner Funeral Home, 2223 St. Louis 5 is handling the arrangements. Mrs. Annie Louise Gill Funeral services were held today at the Kriegshauser Mortuary, Mrs. 4228 S.
Kingshighway for Annie Louise Gill, 74. of 917 Belt who died Friday. Burial was in Valhalla Cemetery. Joseph Goedde Funeral services for Joseph Goedde, 72, who died Saturday, will be held at 8 a. m.
tomorrow at St. Liborius Church. 1840 Hogan followed by interment in Calvary Cemetery. The arrangements are being handled by the Brockland Funeral Home, 1827 Hogan st. Mrs.
Mary C. Lighter Mrs. Mary C. Lighter, 88. of 5008 Cates who died Saturday.
will be buried in St. Peter's Cemetery tomorrow after services at 10 a. m. at the Craig Mortuary, 4468 Washington blvd. Mrs.
Irene Loyd Funeral services will be held at 3 p. m. tomorrow at the Edith E. Ambruster Funeral Home, 4053 Lindell for Mrs. Irene Loyd, 47, of 4145 Magnolia who died Saturday.
Burial will be in Lake Charles Cemetery. William A. Riggin William A. Riggin, 67, of 3916 N. 20th who died Thursday, was buried in Friedens Cemetery today after services at the Suedmeyer Chapel, 3934 N.
20th st. Maynard M. Zeis Maynard M. Zeis, 16. of 4181 Walsh who died Saturday, will be buried at Waterloo, tomorrow after services at 9 a.
m. at St. John the Baptist Church, 4170 Delot st. The Kriegshauser Mortuary, 4228 S. Kingshighway 1 is in charge of arrangements.
Cemeteries--Monuments Sunset Burial Park On Gravois Road THE MOST BEAUTIFUL REASONABLY PRICED CEMETERY IN ST. LOUIS Florists NETTIE FLOWER GARDEN Funeral sprays, $2.50 up; baskets, $3.50 up. SOUTH GRAND. GRand 9600. Funeral Directors ZIEGENHEIN BROS.
NEW MORTUARY 6409 GRAVOIS FL ANDERS 1000 DEATH NOTICES BERTERO, ELLA-At Los Angeles, Friday, July 24, A 1942, dear sister of Antonio Bertero and the late Jules and Rose Bertero. Notice of funeral later. BEST. FRANCES (nee Peters)-Of 2353 S. 39th asleep in Jesus Sunday, July 26, 1942.
2 p. beloved wife of Edward C. Best, dear mother of Robert Lester L. and Edward F. Best.
our dear sister, mother-in-law. sisterin-law, aunt and cousin, in her 72d year. Funeral Tuesday, 1 p. from BEIDERWIEDEN SOUTH SIDE FUNERAL HOME, 3620 Chippewa to Bunker Hill, Cemetery. CARNEY.
JOHN P. (POP)-Of 1558 Louisville Saturday, July 25, 1942, at 9 p. beloved husband of Nora Carney, dear father of Mrs. Gertrude Lueken, Mrs. Eleanor Colombo, Mrs.
Ursula Williamson, Mrs. Catherine Belleville, Mrs. Iris Tatum, John, James, Thomas and Bernice Carney, dear brother, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle. Funeral from KRIEGSHAUSER MORTUARY. 4228 S.
Kingshighway on Wednesday, July 29, at 8 a. to St. James's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery, CHERNICK, NICK S. 11th Sunday, July 26, 1942, beloved husband of Antonia Chernick (nee Nemanic), dear father of Theresa Schroeder, Josephine Paur, Mary Pavlacic, Bernice and Ruth, dear son, brother, father-in-law, cousin, uncle and grandfather.
Funeral Wednesday. July 29, 8:30 a. from MOYDELL PARLORS, Mississippi and Allen, to St. Joseph Croatian Church, 12th and Russell blvds. Interment New SS.
Peter and Paul Cemetery. Member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Society No. 70: K. S. K.
J. Union, and Edinost Society. DOERNER, CHARLES Haven Sunday, July 26, 1942. at 2:30 a. dearly beloved husband of Teresa (nee dear brother of the late Ida Seidler, dear son-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, nephew and cousin.
Funeral from WACKER HELDERLE Chapel, 3634 Gravois Wednesday, July 29, at 2 p. to St. John's Church, 16th and Chestnut sts. Interment Sunset Burial Park. Deceased was a member of Chauffeurs' Union Local No.
600 and the Texaco Service Club. GERST. BARBARA (nee Minges) 2996 Clearview, entered into rest on Sunday, July 26, 1942, at 5:45 p. dearly beloved wife of the late John Gerst, dear mother of Catherine Lager and Jacob Gerst. and the late Arthur Gerst.
dear sister of Jacob and Pete Minges and Mrs. William Koehler, our dear sisterin-law. mother-in-law. aunt and grandmother, in her 64th year. Funeral Wednesday, July 29, at 2:30 p.
from the PROVOST MORTUARY. 7840 Natural Bridge Normandy, to Oak Grove Cemetery. HOFMEISTER, ANNA K. W. (nee Laaker) Saturday, July 25, 1942, at 7:45 p.
dear wife of Otto Hofmeister, dear mother of Otto Frank, John, Louisa, Ollie Schaerer and Pauline Dill, our dear sister, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. Funeral from SCHUMACHER FUNERAL HOME. 3013 Meramec Wednesday, July 29, at 1:30 p. to Memorial Park Cemetery. Member of Pomegranate Chapel No.
397, O. E. S. ITEN, CLARA-2628 S. Ninth Sunday, July 26, 1942, beloved wife of Leo Iten.
Funeral from WITT BROS. CHAPEL, 2929 Jefferson Tuesday, 9 a. to SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery. LANGE.
HENRY Bailey on Saturday, July 25, 1942, 1 p. beloved husband of Marie Lange (nee Meierdress), dear father of Mrs. Emma Mueller, Mrs. Martha Erlinger, William E. and Elmer our dear father-in-law.
grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral from LEIDNER CHAPEL, 2223 St. Louis Tuesday, July 28, at 1:45 p. m. Interment Zion Cemetery.
Mr. Lange WAS a member of Grotenberger Club. LANGER, JOSEPH-4554 Kennerly, Saturday. July 25, 1942, beloved husband of Louise Langer (nee Hartman), dear father, father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral Tuesday, July 28.
2:30 p. from WM. M. SCHUMACHER CHAPEL, 4834 Natural Bridge, to St. Peter's Cemetery.
Member of E. M. B. A. of Public Service Co.
LAWSON, THOMAS New Bloomfield, entered into rest July 27, 1942, beloved husband of Gertrude Lawson (nee Bagby), dear father of Mrs. William Farr of Jefferson City, John B. Lawson of Fulton, and Mrs. H. Curtis Swan and Mrs.
Don D. Dunn, dear brother of Leona Lawson, all of St. Louis. dear father-in-law. grandfather and uncle.
Interment New Masonic Cemetery, New Bloomfield, Tuesday, 3 p. m. MOORE, LEO -Sunday. July 26, 1942, beloved husband of Hattie Moore (nee Chamberlain), dear brother of James A. and Samuel Moore, dear brother-in-law and uncle.
Funeral Wednesday, July 29, 10 A. from MOYDELL, Mississippi and Allen AVS. Interment New Picker Cemetery. RABBITT, MARGARET MARY- Of 6928A Bleeck on Sunday, July 26, 1942. 12:45 p.
darling daughter of John J. and Margaret Rabbitt (nee Mullen), our dear sister, niece and granddaughter. Funeral from SULLIVAN'S. Euclid at St. Louis Wednesday, July 29.
8:30 a. to Sacred Heart Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. READ. MARY (nee Doctor) -2804A Elliot entered into rest Saturday, July 25, 1942.
2:40 a. beloved wife of the late Joe Read, dear mother of Rose Kurtz and Stella Dillon. dear sister, grandmother and mother-in-law. Funeral Tuesday, July 28, 9 a. from GOODHART GOODHART FUNERAL HOME.
2228 5 St. Louis av. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. SCANNELL, MARY AGNES (nee Phillips) -Entered into rest Monday, July 27, 1942, 5 a. beloved wife of Edward M.
Scannell, dear mother of E. R. (Raymond) Scannell, Marguerite Goodman, Edna Mae, James A. and Malcolm Scannell, dear grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and aunt, age 69 years. Funeral Wednesday, July 29.
8:30 a. from CROGHAN FUNERAL HOME. 7146 Manchester to Immaculate Conception Church. Maplewood. Interment Calvary Cemetery.
Member of D. of DeSoto Circle. and Altar Society of Immaculate Conception Church. TZINBERG. ELY-Beloved father of Joseph, Ben.
David and Jack Tzinberg, Mrs. Sylvia Karsch of Philadelphia, Mrs. Mildred Horwitz of Tulsa, Mrs. Lenore Frenkel and Mrs. Esther Katz, our dear brother, uncle and grandfather.
Funeral from the RINDSKOPF CHAPEL, 5212 Delmar July 27, 4 p. m. LOST AND FOUND CAT -Lost; light red Persian: in Pasadena Hills. 4515 Parkdale dr. GOodfellow 2078.
Reward. POINTER DOG-Lost; male; white body; brown head; reward. WIn. 0294. WATCH FOB- -Lost: gold: ship steering wheel: reward.
DE. 4808. WRIST lady's; coral face. maroon cord band: between Famous and Grand-Leader: reward. JE.
0201. Francis. FOUND BY POLICE. 12th District- Mo. auto license and tire.
2nd District-7 keys on ring. 4th District -Black leather billfold. 12th District Brown metal suitcase. Central District-U. S.
Naval Reserve discharge papers. 12th District -Army helmet. Central District--Lady's brown slacks. 9th District- -Gent's green shirt. Lost and Found See Page BUSINESS SERVICE CALL an EXPERT Qualified Business Directory ASH HAULING.
REPAIR cinder driveways: rubbish hauled. Rush, 1461 Webster. NE. 0297. CONCRETE- CEMENT WORK CEMENT WORK of all kinds: waterproofing; 30 years' experience.
ST. 4380. INSULATION, USE a blower to insulate your home; A1 results: low cost. SEAL-0-WOOL, 827 S. 11TH.
CH. 8272. DORN SON MOVING 918 N. Cardinal. Crating, shipping.
FR. 4368. PAINTING. PAINTING. carpenter.
roofing repairs; work guaranteed. Sargent, PR. 3401. PLASTERING. Vienup, 3032 N.
Newstead. Plastering--Ceiling, Patches. ST. LOUIS STAR- TIMES BUSINESS SERVICE Professional Service DETECTIVE MARIAM shadows, traces, locates Licensed, everywhere. bonded.
CA. Strictly 0776 or DE. confidential. 3527. EDUCATIONAL NEW CLASS A AUG.
10TH FLORAL ART SCHOOL GLADYS TURNER FLORIST SCHOOL RO. 7915 WRITE 3304 PERSHING WELDING. MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY 50 men to train for aircraft welding. Jobs assured men who can qualify on completion of training course. Apply ATLAS ALUMINUM WELDING CO.
2913 N. Broadway HELP WANTED Men, Boys Jefferson Barracks. PL. 0400. STa.
218. TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS-First class. Jig borer operator. Apply Omar Tool and Machine Co. 2528 Palm.
FOOL -ROOM MACHINIST- on ACCOUNTANT-Public; permanent position assured qualified senior and semisenior on staff of large national firm of replies, certified with public accountants. Address details, promptly to Box B-431, Star-Times. ELECTRICIANS--Must have extensive industrial experience in trouble shooting and general maintenance of AC and DC equipment. State age. phone and details of past employment.
Box B-366. Star-Times. MACHINISTS-Must have all-around shop experience. State age, phone and details of past employment. Box B-368.
StarTimes. NAILERS-Must be experienced: government work. Apply Stout Sign 4401 Oleatha. ORDERLY AND ATTENDANT- General hospital work. Call WAlnut 305.
PORTER--Apply at once. Wolff-Huegler Photo 105 N. Seventh. PRESSER For work on army uniforms. lathes, shapers, grinders, war work; age open; draft exempt; salary $1.10 hour.
American Fixture Manufacuring 2300 Locust st. TURRET LATHE OPERATOR- -No set-up; day shift. Seventh. WINDOW CLEANER- fully or partly experienced. Apply 1408 Olive.
SALESMEN MAKE EXTRA MONEY NIGHT WORK ONLY If you feel that you have sales ability and can work each night from 6 to 9 p. you can make $25 to $40 per week over your present daytime income. Your employer is not contacted. Your work is in St. Louis and your income starts at once.
This is not selling magazines. Apply 1105 Olive, Tuesday, 7 p. m. sharp. BAKERY SALESMEN--For established retail route: $23 per week while in training: SALARY INCREASES AND COMMISSION; opportunities unlimited; steady employment for right men; previous experience not necessary.
Apply in person. 9 to 12 a. m. WHITE BAKING 4015 PAPIN. FOUR young men, 17 to 21, to travel northern states with large Junior Sales organization.
Immediate cash drawing expense account: transportation furnished. Apply Mr. Werth, suite 217 Kings- Way Hotel, 10 a. m. to 2 p.
and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. SALESMEN-For telephone solicitations on labor paper.
Apply C. I. 0. Union Press, 318 Title Guaranty Bldg. Women, Girls BAG PATCHERS White: experienced only.
Box B-408 Star -Times. BEAUTY OPERATOR All around; steady. Lynne, 4269 Delmar. FR. 1824.
BEAUTY OPERATOR- $20; nice hours. Rita Rae, 5803 Easton. DE. 1335. COOK -GENERAL HOUSEWORK.
5133 WASHINGTON. GIRL--General housework: full or part time: neighborhood 4411 Forest Park. JE. 0938. GIRL OR WOMAN--General housework; sinall home; county; couple employed; stay.
GIRL OR -General housework: small home, county; couple employed: 2 boys, 10 and 6 years old: stay; own room; $30 month. WAbash 1637W. WAITRESS DAY WORK. 1807 WASHINGTON. WAITRESS For night work.
Apply 5868 West Florissant. 10157 Riverview dr. EV. 9262. Ask for WAITRESS Wtd.
p. m. to 12 A p. Ditty. WOMEN- assist cook and help with kitchen work.
WAlnut 303. SALESWOMEN THREE young ladies, 18 to 23, free to travel with chaperoned sales organization; experience unnecessary. Immediate cash drawing expense account; transportation furnished. Apply Mrs. Werth, suite 217, Kings-Way Hotel.
10 a. m. to 2 p. and 7 p. m.
to 9 p. m. HOUSEWIVES, use your spare time earning good income; experience unnecessary. Box B-402, StarTimes. SITUATIONS Men, Boys colored: young: neat; waiter.
porter or houseman; reliable. JE. 4469. colored; neat, reliable; references. JE.
2882. colored; dishwasher; no Sunday work; references. NE. 2084. Women, Girls housework; no laundry; home nights; $10 week; references.
FR. 5663. Rose. colored: reliable; cleaning, laundry; day or week: refs. JE.
1901. colored: general housework, assist cooking: references. CE. 9036. colored: cleaning by day; expericneed; references.
COlfax 0937. colored: cleaning. by day or night; references. FR. 2070.
colored: neat: housework: by day; references. GR. 2387. LAUNDRESS- colored: cleaning by day; good irener; references. CE.
9036. colored: good cook: housework; day or week; references. CE. 2314. colored: laundry, cleaning.
Ask for Rose. FR. 9017. colored: day work: cleaning and laundry; $2,70. FR.
3013. ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished CALIFORNIA, 1821 Sleeping room for quiet gentleman; private home. GR. 1445. HUMPHREY.
3635-First fl. east single room in apartment for lady, employed. JUNIATA, 3838- Large room for or 2 employed ladies; transportation. LA. 2071.
MARYLAND. 4309-2nd fl. west; lovely, cool front: private; transp. JE. 8154.
VERNON, 5142-Large sleeping room. twin beds; for defense workers: in quiet, refined home: private: reasonable. FO. WABADA, 5888- Large front room; or 2 men; near Small Arms. MU.
5911. DOUBLE ROOM-Private home: use entire house; near bus. WE. 6339W. Housekeeping DELMAR, 4828-Housekeeping, sleeping: well furnished; employed adults.
RO. 5100. Room and Board LINDELL. 4532-Share lovely, airy room; board optional; all conveniences. SPRING.
4031 room: private: fine neighborhood; two gentlemen; good meals. ROOM AND BOARD- day or week: home-style cooking. 6008 N. Broadway. Convalescent Homes PINE CREST-Invalids, pensioners; special lifetime rates.
Bopp, Ballwin, Mo. WAI. 360. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Wanted to Rent BUNGALOW- 5. or 6 rooms; north or northwest.
Phone MU. 4269. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bungalows, Cottages SOUTHWEST LINDENWOOD. 6556-1 block west of Watson: 2 bedrooms, bath; excellent condition. FO.
4420. NORTHWEST LOTUS. 5704 4-room brick: hardwood floors; bath: furnace: lot 30x175: terms. BAUMGARTNER KUMMER, GO. 6221.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban Property CLAYTON ALAMO, 6307-6, sunroom, baths, insulated: garage; owner. CA. 7945. NORMANDY 6924-26-2 new 5-room bricks. large lots; FHA financed, $5,950.
Also 3-room brick, attached garage; in Pire Lawn. Builder, ORange 6872. Wanted -Real Estate YOU can have cash for your real estate in COTTAGE, BUNGALOW or flat wanted: frame or brick; city or county: will Day cash. Mr. Harrison, JE.
9640. five days: buyers waiting: want action? DICKMANN. 801 Chestnut. MAin 4111. FINANCIAL PAYMENTS? It you have over -obligated yourself, but want to pay your bills, consult THE BUDGET PLAN, Inc.
717 Title Guaranty Bldg. 706 Chestnut Loans on Real Estate PERSONAL and reasonable service rates on homes and flat loans. FRANK H. BROWN REALTY 7184 Manchester. STerling 0100.
Money Wanted $3,000, 5 years, first on $6,000 home. RE. 3677. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ASSOCIATE as cashier in up-to-date restaurant: experience not essential; 1 do cooking and buying; one-half interest, $650, fully secured. Call CE.
3483 for appointment. Business for Sale BOARDING HOUSE Nine rooms, filled. $375 income. RO. 1496.
GROCERY MEAT MARKET -Good location: reasonable. 6:15 Page. CA. 9402. HARDWARE AND PAINT STORE- For sale or trade for property.
Call GA. 3918. MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous HOUSE PAINT -Close out; good quality outside white; cream, ivory, apple green, pearl and dark gray: $1.09 gallon. Broadway. MU.
5350. ton. Alton Mineral Wool, 1415 S. Compton. GR.
2525. Household Goods STEWART-WARNER-Frigidaire. General Electric range. 2520 N. Taylor.
VACUUM- perfect: like new: $19. Stanley's, 3813 Easton. VACUUM- Electrolux: tank cleaner, with attach'ts: $16.95. Stanley's, 3813 Easton. Household Goods Wanted ACE Best cash extra high prices, furniture, rugs, china.
Moran, EV. 9414. ACE HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITUREFINNEY, 3120 EASTON. FRanklin 7967. ACE best cash price furniture, feather beds, dishes, utensils.
GA. 6104. GO, 1470. FURNITURE. RUGS.
STOVES WTD.High cash prices. CE. 6784. Electric Refrigerators ELECTROLUX Water-cooled; porcelain; perfect condition. ST.
0430. Washing Machines BENDIX, Thor. A. B. Maytag and others.
$14.95 up. Stanley's, 3813 Easton. Musical instruments CASH paid for accordion. trombone, saxophone, trumpet, pass, etc. Tony Placht, 1001 Pine.
Office-Store Equipment SCALES-Bought and sold, all kinds. Lou Cohen 1030 N. 6th. GA. 4290.
SUPER COLD-64 eu. white wall box; 7-ft. stainless steel bottle box, with ice water coil; other equipment. GA. 7837.
Building Materials DOORS--New: all kinds and sizes; $1.75 up. ROsedale 2941. LARGE quantity of flooring, 2x5 oak, 3x5. 4x6. 6x7 yellow pine: also timber, brick.
21st and Gratiot. LA. 6432. Machinery and Tools ONE SMALL PUNCH 2929 Locust st. Motorcycles--Bicycles BICYCLES WANTED KINDS; PAY CASH.
108 N. 12TH. Live Stock-Vehicles PONIES-7 head; black and pintos, 3 to 9 years old: 36 to 52 inches high; also 10 pony saddles. 6210 N. Broadway.
Coal and Fuel Government urges to buy coal Now. Fill your bin today. Call one of the following dealers: SOLARITE $7.85 Arkansas or West Virginia, $8.25 Up. Budget plan, no money down, 6 months pay: 30 days cash. Benton C.
825 S. Theresa. LA. 6531 ARKANSAS EGG-2-ton lots or more. ton; Solarite, $7.85 ton.
Z. B. Coal Broadway and St. Louis ave. GA.
1886. W. VA. LUMP $8.50: stoker coal $3.35 up, loads. Ballwin, 827 S.
23rd. CE. 0303. AUTOMOTIVE Wanted -Automobiles CASH WAITING JEFFERSON 8824 SADLO- FABER MOTOR CO. We Are Still Buying Good, Clean Used Cars.
Will Pay Off Balance, If Any, and Pay You Cash Difference. Highest Prices Paid. 4933 NATURAL BRIDGE QUICK ACTION We will buy Four ear for cash self It for you on commission basis. we have waiting list for clean used cars. KOTTEMANN, 4718 Delmar WILL PAY $10 TO $25 MORE For any model, any condition.
Must bave 50 cars to ship south. If no license we'll call. Dealers included. 4301 WASHINGTON. FRANKLIN 9380.
ALL AUTOS bought. cash. We need them. Klink, 2213 S. Grand.
PR. CARS prices for clean cars. Thos. Kenny. 4821 Easton USED CARS WANTED- HIGH CASH PRICES.
3157 GRAVOIS. PR. 7108. Automobiles for Sale COACHES '36 PLYMOUTH COACH- Trunk: 3004 tires; very clean; $195. 2213 S.
Grand. COUPES 41 FORD DE LUXE COUPE original black finish; clean throughout. Must be sold at once. Inquire at 3667 Olive. Don't sacrifice your car; we will buy ft for cash.
pay off any mortgage due and give you cash balance. Syl. Schwalbe. 4111 W. Natural Bridge MODEL A FORD-Body.
motor perfect; good tires; private. 7432 Hazel, Maplewood. SEDANS '38 OLDS SIX SEDAN. DE LUXE- Trunk, radio and heater: $295. 2213 S.
Grand. '38 PONTIAC 2-DOOR-RADIO, heater. spotlight, seat covers; good motor. Will sacrifice in mortgage foreclosure. See Mr.
Winzen, 3667 Olive. Trucks and Tractors USED TRUCKS Wanted: 1941-40 models, for cash. Bailey, 2000 Chouteau. Auto Tires TIRES REPAIRED FACTORY METHOD THE TIRE MART 3128 Locust. NE.
2555 GUARANTEED VULCANIZING -Keliners, $3. Batteries, $2.95 exc. 4937 Easton. USED TIRES- sizes: wholesale and tail. Jake's Tire Stores.
3656 Easten. Trailers With 6.00x16 tires: $35 others $15 up: no phone. 6407 Wells. 6 TRADES UNION COUNCIL 1.