YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1947 NINETEEN ADVERTISER'S No. 1 Publlo S.rvl Read the Ads for News Us Them for Profit. National Want Ad Week. April 13 to 19. READ THE ADS for News.
Use them for Profit. National Want Ad Week. April 13 to 19. DON'T FAIL to place a Want Ad this week. Biggest week in the year for Want Ads.
April 13 to 19. Ij-n Na'ional Want Ad Wwk More Ads. Mie Iseairrs. Mmt liesults. 1'lace an ad tdv and urnflt.
3 -7 1 .1 1 BUSINESS SERVICE JI PITIM AM) I'AI'tRIM. PAINTING kemti.ntnir jf.mHf r'I n'Vilmt Pirk.ton. 3-7', PAINTING and Out of t-n tr.vitci' 2 fin24 and imnfrmi Expert wurk 7r-r I'rtorie Mcfje. S-7RK1 PAirvai am.i-.o Avn" painting li YEAH rPflvvrT rvriMATK NO JOH TOO SMALL VALSPAR PAINTS To Af.f.rN en tvr 7" TEXAS STREET PHONE 3-7186 FORTES BERRY" Painting Decorating LICENCED AND INJURED $-1401 CALL for reliable pacer hangers and building service co. Tex Av Phnn-lVTtr, PAINTING and raper hanging 35 vears Alford.
rAIMINHAMl I'tl'tRING CALL ME for Free estlma'es ef gual'tT painting ard papering Mr Cnx, end papering Winligar- Free estrnates Insured. SEW ML PAINTS, painters and caper raneeri rirrifh1: fre. iMitiati i'cr Mf.n Paint and floor Covering Co t-f'ary vd Phone 3-7030 Cloverleaf White Fnamel Wallpaper and Pa nt Store 7. Texas St. Phone 2-8143 SCREEN'S, ssr-y-painud.
-Ooeach." Tea 7-7IV) SPHAV GUNst RENTED Ted Ul Ocklry Dr 7-774A EXPERIENCED painter, panerhanger free estimates. Phone 5531. GUARANTEED papering and palming aTN'TINO Interior and exterior reason able estmaiea. Phone 7-3259. "INTERIOR DECORATION A'l k'nds of Interior painting Quality K-T-annhip rf-e estimate.
2-5HW FAIN TINf? "and PaperuTif Work" g.iaran-iH (Mtiu'm, Ph. rii PL IIEA TINJ TP'E FSTt MATES Abetr ii1inf roofing, ruckwnnl ln- attip fans. 4-404H. CALL TVCKFR THE PLUMBER PHONE 3-B62H Comnlete a te I'l um i 3 -86 2 8 17 fl E'R'A PLR HTG.
INC. I OfK'ANA AVE. PHONE BATH lavatories, closets, a.niea. sva'er soil pip, tiie nlpe Kch Turner, Ph. 74371 H.
O. Peterson, 7-7077 CALL t'S fr tree estimates on all v.moing Te'ma Day or Night. Middleton Plumbing. 3-8743 Schroeter I'lumbing Co. I4: Avenue Jhone 2-3518 SHHEVrPOMT 'LUMI1ING Repairs and rew ins'a 'a ins.
Day 2-8703. Niant 7-3441 1.120 Market; Plumber. 2-1796 KAIHO KEPAIKS JANES RADIO SHOP rJ 1 5 Virginia Phone 2-1 683 Line Ave. Radio Company service any make radio or com. phonograph Pirk up and deliver Ail irk guaranteed I IN AVE PHONE 85SS EXFEKT RADIO REPAIR PiK)N J-fM pt- Ri'tlo Serviee '-AMF'BELL'S RADIO SERVICE DEi'T 3:7 Fan ni nS I Itadio and Electrical Service Ary and Navy Chief Radio Technicians Vi unricp Pick Up and Delivery PltONt.2-2.j75 Arkav Home Appliance, Inc.
Tea irlrg All-tctrlc HOT POINT Pius many E.ectrio Arc.ances 42W CHOC KETT ST. 1 PHONE 8523 RADIO XCH N'GE Guaranteed renairs a.l rikfi 4'JMirl way. Fnnnt s' CADDO RADIO CO. Services all makes Pickup and deliver 22 i'S i irt en wood Road Pnone Kl.lltI(.I.RTI()N Kl PAIRS HOfSFTKEt P.ICrR"ATldN"srrvi.-"e7"cotTiT and doinestir repairs, REPAIRS on" any" refrigerators. rts.afn4 nd M'ray gun r-f trushliig a -i C-it 7-2480 or HO'A'SI Refng'-ratlon service, ervir Haonatle rates, l-lull.
I.HT FrAIHS any mane refrigerator Davis Refrigerator Service a specially Day or N.g-it 7-2'il hefr Service, Washing Machines LITTLE REPAIR SHOP 1M1 LA E2f)2 Authorized Fripridaire Service Houserioid CommsrclaL Air Conditioning Shreveport Refrigeration Appliance Co. 411 Louiiiia Phone 1-1139 fci-KVICI DEPARTMENT lT as Av Pno 253 Hudfctns Electric Service Co. Kefr. aerators. Washing Machines.
Appiianc "We pick up and deliver" 14:0 Texas Ph. 882 Speight's Refrigeration Comrr erci washing machine repair 3 1 7 l-m Shore Drive. FOH refrigrrutiou renairs, call Pickering Refrigeration Kervice, Jo. Ctirykirr St Mmden, La. Phone nav U37.rii(rht 37.R ill HIGFH ATolc.l repaired and refTn-i oej i ke riewi and any kind of unit F'ir nurk and reliable service call Rrf--iirera'ion Rnop Service on All Makes CiTrrierclal and Domestla Kalioa and Kefngcraiore Your Crosley Dealer Refrigerator Service S72U Dav Night 4-2241 Barksdale H.vd.
aLDKICH HKFKJOKHATOK StHVlCE COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC PORTLAND AVE. PHONE 3-2978 Refrigeration Service MrCALLISTER SON ISMJTFXAS AVE. PHONEJttM New Keauilt Refrigeration Equipment, Commercial Refrgeration Service HVloway-Birtman Equipment Co. 2137 Texas Ave. Phone 3-03flfl, 7-5853 AITHOP.IZFD KELVIN ATOR' SERVICE Expert repairs any make refrigerator CALL BENNIE WALLACE! PHONE 2-S439 rij' ROOFING AND SHE MET A I vtt h-C i fX 1 6o A Dl EPAIRED.PAlNTfcD.Pl ION EJI 5 44 Koofcoating Waterproofing COATED UNDER PRESSURE THE ROOFKOTER CO.
9" Fannin St Pes. 6463 Office 3-1178 COFELAND SHEET METAL WORKS Ro t.rt applied and repaired Estimates free, fcslaoilshed 2u years. 7i8 Edwards Phone 2-7848 BIRD ROOFS Abo Repairs TREE ESTIMATES TERMS Guaranty Roofing 2-3457 BIRD ROOFS SPINKS ROOFING CO. Free estimates Terms 137 E. 70th.
ir.oiie I-l'Ji-. 31 t. WIDISH MASAGE VAF.DISH BODY MASSAGE. Lucille L. i I'd' 2o8 Majestic Kldg TL'll IS 11 BATH MASSAGES Mrs Wa.iace.
22-1 Lne Phone 2-4187 TAILORING. 1K ESS MA KING BLOUSES. Children's dresses, infants' and day gowns. Hand finished. frfis.
2-3fii4. PLAIN SEWING. ALTERATIONS, bound aton holes, i'toi Hcarne. 3-0156, Tailoring Alterations Old suits remodeled, refitted to any sire Alterations ail kinds Fast service. Reatonaoie pncea 405 Texas 3 i mon Ridg HOSE-MENDING, hemstitching." Button-t oics, a.itraiions i40 Prospect.
Custom Made Bs.ts dickies, covered buttons and nail heads, hemstitching and picoiing Urst selection In town. 21-IIOUR SERVICE Singer Sewing Machine Co. 819 TEXAS ST PHONE 2-9221 1 EANOR'S expert alterations, tailoring, dressmaking. 221 West 74th. Don't fall to place a Want Ad this week.
Biggest Week In the Year lor Want Ads. April 13 to 19. MONEY TO LOAN We like to MAKE LOANS The more tlmea we say "Yes" to requests for loans the more business we do. And since making Personal Loans is our ONLY business you can depend on our doing our best to say "Yes" to you. $25 to $900 loans or more on signature alone, furniture or car.
Outsiders not Involved. Why not stop in or phone your "Yes Man" today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SHREVEPORT Second 203 Giddens-Lane Phone 2-8771 Closed Saturdays. Open Mon.
thru jrom a.m. to a p.m. Evenings by appointment. A F. FLOUKNOY PATENT ATTY.
Patent Engineer First National Bk Bldg $QUICK CASH $25 TO $2,500 -Find out how much you need -Pay all your old bills -Repair your home or auto -Buy clothea and the things you -want and need 15 MONTHS TO REPAY YOU can apply by phone and get the money when you come tn. YOUR SIGNATURE can qualify you. FRIENDLY. CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE. LOW COST Pay only for time used.
MANAGER SIGNATURE LOAN SERVICE 203 SIMON BLDG. ENTRANCE 405 Vx TEXAS ST. PHONES 3-41173-4118 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY ARTICLE OF VALUE MAX'S LOAN OFFICE 538 COMMON ST PHONE 2-8227 11 A Home Refinancing Let us refinance your home or loan you money to ouy one. Sid II. Hetherwick 326 Ardia Bldg.
Phone 1-0528 Motor Finance Co-, Inc. LOW RATES ON Loans, Financing, Refinancing Cars, Trucks, Equipment SEE MR. MADDEN OR MR, PONDER "Shreveport's Oldest Home-Owned Finance Co." 2112-114 Milam St. Phone 5241 FHA GI LOANS For building or buying a home. Also loans for re pairing or improving exist ing homes.
T. J. Bettes Co. of Lomi-iana T. H.
LOWRY. VICE-PRESIDENT MANAGER 621-23 AKJJIS BLDO. Phone 3-0633, LOANS All Kinds on Almost Anything off Value! Including your atuomo-bile or truck, whether paid for or not; on furniture, machinery, equipment or on almost anything else. Borrow all the money you need from us. Ask for Mr.
Gray, manager of Loan or Mr. Gullatt, General Manager. MOTORS SECURITIES CO. 1217 Texas Avenue Opposite Charity Hospital Let Us Arrange A QUICK LOAN! Privacy First and Last Consolidate all your obligations into one small monthly payment Get the things you need by getting your funds from the MITE SYSTEM An Old-Established Firm A Friendly Place to Do Business Loans, all types and amounts, from $50 up, at reasonable rates to pay taxes, bills, etc. We will finance your new or present car and electrical equipment We are sincere in our efforts to help people See us for your needs P.
Phone 2-8718 CLOSED EACH WEDNESDAY P.M 5(0) LOANS 0 ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY Also Auto, Furniture, Co-Maker No Red Tape. Fair Hates. E-Z Terms Receive Money Same Dav You Appv Why not borrow from a HOME-OWNED Company, where your business will really be appreciated? CITIZENS LOAN CORP. 220 WARD BLDG. PHONE 2-9513 LIBERAL AUTO LOANS Lower Cost Easier Terms Better Service All Loans Confidential Southern Acceptance Corp.
301 Giddens-Lane Bldg. Phone 3-2671 NWA" WEEK, April 13 to 17. Extra Thousands of 1'eople will read want Ads dally. Cash in for Extra cash. EMPLOYMENT (41) MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED an associate for realty company man or lady.
Write Box 131-A, Th Times. (42) POSITIONS WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED meat cutter and1 coun-ter man wants work at once. Consider out of town Job. Phone 3-7229, ask for Butcher, leave your location and your phone number Purple Heart GI Senior accounting student at Centenary college, can handle a few more small sets books In spare time. Write, care of A.B.C., P.
O. Box 564 or Phone 6820. YOUNG MARRIED man with car desires employment. Any tpe considered. Phone 3-3118.
COMBINATION welder, 11 years ex perience; go anywhere, wants permanent connection with good company. Write Box 114-E, The Times. POSITION WANTED as night watchman mi by settled man.Phone7-6898. (43) POSITIONS WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVE young ladyIreceptionistT switch board operator with knowledge of typing, aga 25. Call between 10 and 2.
Nliss Cunningham. 3-8227. JR. SECRETARY, age 23. resident, pleas ant person, wining womer.
tan a-jooo TYPIST available, excellent speed, ef ficient, general office, resident, pleasant person, Call 33583. TYPING DONE in home, work delivered. Phone 1-4371 after 5:30 p.m. 24-HOUR SERVICE COMPETENT NURSES Will Solve Your Nursing Problem Ward's Nurses Registry 2545 James St. Phone 2-2592 EXPERIENCED practical nursa.
de- sires daytime work. -jiva. JOBS AVAILABLE MALE SAT.ES Anoliancea 25-30 Open SALES LADIES. Shoe Exp. draw- ing.
weex 00 MALE Sales ability, month $175 SALES PHOTOGRAPHY. supplies Open BODY. FENDER AND PAINT man, week 50 FEMALE ATTRACTIVE RECEPTIONIST, secretary, month $175 SEC'C STENOGRAPHER, month $150 PBX-STENOO. 20-23 Open TYPIST, Filing, knowledge of shorthand, month $125 SECY-STENOGRAPHER, week 23 TYPIST, week 20 EXP. BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, neat appearance, month $125 AND MANY OTHERS TRI-STATE PERSONNEL AGENCY LICENSED.
BONDED Room 205 Majestic Bldg. 2-2903 Phone S-2003 INSTRUCTIONS LEARN TO FLY FOR AS LITTLE AS $5 PER WEEK Approved for G. 1 flight training JOY FLYING SCHOOL Municipal Airport. 3-3489 F.bLCATI()NA SCHOOLS STUDY BEAUTY CULTURE At the Oldest and Best Equipped School in North Louisiana Approved School for Veterans and I Training Enroll Before March 1 For September Graduationa Majestic Beauty School 609 MILAM ST. PHONE 3-8641 WHISENHUNT BUSINESS SCHOOL 139 EAST LISTER 3-7815 Shreveport Beauty School Shreveport's largest and only nationally recognized beauty school in this area.
Veterans: Write for information regarding free training. MRS. VERA ROGERS. OWNER 400 MILAM ST PHONF 3-7177 HEATHER'S BEAUTY COLLEGE SHREVEPORT'S NEWEST Students, Post Graduate and Teachers Courses. ENROLL NOW For September Graduations and State Board Examinations.
VETERANS We Are Approved For All Courses Under Both Bills. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Write Us For Free Booklet INSTRUCTRESSES; Reather Herbert Peggy Everttt Phone 3-7389 2703 Greenwood Rd. Budget Sewing Classes We are now taking enrollment for April, May and June. Enroll now and select nerind available for instruction. Refreshments served at end of each class Singer Sewing Machine Co.
819 TEXAS ST. PHONF 2-9221 Norton Business College THE SCHOOL OF INDIVIDUAL TEACHING More positions than school can fill. Enroll now and be qualified a few months hence for a good position either in private industries or government. Civil Service Examinations are given regularly in our school We are the original Gregg Shorthand college of Shreveport Fully accredited by American Association of Commercial Colleges. DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOLS 4th Floor, Levy Bldg.
2-8739 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY For Sale by Owner fishing camp on Lake Bistlnrau. 12 miles south Muiaen, acres, store or lodge; cottages! lights, butane; 411 feet water frontage. Ideal for big corporation, recreational center. J. II.
Sliep-pard, Rt. 1, Sibley, La. WANT MAN with $2,500. Selling ability to buy 20 stock in going protitaoie Shreveport manufacturing plant. Owner sick.
Can't travel. Write Box 119-A, The Times. COMPLETE block-making equipment. Mixer, electric motor, moia ana sianos. Can be operated in home shop.
$195. Call 7-5406. FOR SALE Store fixtures, merchandise and lease. Texas avenue location. 15 months lease left.Call 3-0113.
70 STAMP MACHINES, already placed in good locations, addresa liox lua-A. The Times. Retail Dry Good Store For Sale APPLY 203 TEXAS STREET LOCAL BUSINESS increasing capital will sell shares in blocks of ten. par value $100. Net profit last year above 12.
Write Box 129-A. The Times. Let tis show you the best buy of the year in a multiple apartment deal: all new buildings, revenue approximately 14 of your investment annually. Only $78,000. WAYNE BRYANT, RLTR.
2105 Market St. Office Phone 3-4247 Residence 7-7383 "Jack" Warner, Associate 9733 GOOD GOING grocery business, modern 5-room and bath living quarters, partly HENRY, REALTOR 1326 Woodrow Phone 7-13B0 HOME AND STORE This new building has a 13x20-foot stpre- touse with 3 rooms and one J-piece ath living quarters: it's new and nice, on corner lot at Summer Grove on Mansfield road, next to PooeJoy's store; immediate possession. Price takes $2,000 cash and $40 per montn. FRANK GRAHAM 311 MILAM PHONE 3-3561 rviuirr r-itoiNES MR. FLORSHMM 3760 MR.
STEWART 7-6208 MR. DRIGG'RS 7-6795 MRS. CURRYr-3-7101 (ROOM 107) "THE SOUTHERNER" PORCELAIN-ENAMELED STEEL SANDWICH SHOPS Ten-stool prefabricated, patented ARMCO "Steelox panels, stainless steel equipment. $13,500 delivered, erected, completely equipped even to silver, china, cooking utensils. One-third cash, balance financed.
Prompt delivery. America's finest and only key installation. Operation should NET minimum $1,000 monthly. See our Mr. M.
P. Molloy. president, Washlngton-Youree hotel. April 17. or write for brochure and pictures.
C. DEMPSEY Phone 1938 Address P. O. Box 415 LUFKIN. TEXAS Read the Ads for News Use Them for Profit.
National Want Ad Week-April 13 to 19 FOR SALE ARTICLES RED JACKET CENTR1 JET WATER SYSTEMS Selection for deep and shallow wells. We have softeners and conditioners to correct hard water troubles. Scott Truck and Tractor Co. 903 Market St fa*gurii PIPE PIPE PIPE I 8,000 feet 8H-inch O.O. 25-pound Youngs town Lapweld plain end line pipe.
10.000 feet 6s, -inch OD. 1897 pounds. 17,500 feet OD. 15-pound. 5.000 feet 4'.
-inch D. 11-pound. 5,000 feet 3' O.D. 7 65-pound. Ail slightly used A.
A. Gilbert Pipe and Supply Co. 4037 MANSFIELD ROAD P. O. BOX 3P8 PHONE 3-5529 NEW 42-inch Barbrook attic fan.
less motor, i--nn. BE SAFE Have your attic fan installed by a bonded, licensed electrical contractor FREE ESTIMATES COTY ROSENBLATH'S 218 TEXAS PHON 3-8037 "HERE SINCE 1900" Cool Off With Our New Stock of ELECTRIC FANS 10. 12 AND 24-INCH DO YOUR OWN PRESSIN'O with our Super Steam Irons ALSO EXTRA GOOD ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC WAXERS The Grass Is Growing! Come ln and get a new lawn mower now! Parkers Hardwars 519 EDWARDS STREET 357 PHONE 3-4906 MIRRORS RESILVERED Window glass furniture tope Free pick-up and delivery KEY GLASS WORKS 511 W. 83RD ST PHONE T-Tlll HOOK RUG patterns, needles, materials. 81 eac h.
Swatches. 25c. 217 W. 9th St FIVE CASE Coca Cola Icebox. $14.50.
vony saddle. 117.30. ynone Have Steel Clothes Poles, $7.5 Pair Painted With Best Outdoor Enamel Structural Pipe and Fence Posts UNIVERSAL MFG. CO. Hamilton Road Box 55, Bossier City rnone SIDEWALK BICYCLE.
$15 2210 Greenwood Road. Phone 3-4573 LAWN MOWERS. $7 EACH 2210 Greenwood Road. Phone 3-4373 Expert Locksmiths! SAFES. LOCKS, KEYS SAFES REPAIRED AND OPENED WE MAKE KEYS FOR ANY LOCK City Cycle and Gun Shop S15LA NEXT TO STRAND SILENT LIFETIME SLATS-O-WOOD AWNINGS CUSTOM BUILT 5904 St.
Vincent Phone 7-3: Chrysler Alrtemp Heating Commercial Refrigeration Air-Conditionicg THE DYKES INC. 1013 Market Street Phone 4-3633 Sewing machine motors to make e-ectric machines out of treadles. $19.93. Schorr Appliance 1 FjEW and Used Filling Station Equipment all kinds. Also service, repair al rr.akea CADDO OIL EQUIPMENT CO 2-5337 LADIES diamond wrist wau 28 diamonds, $330.
NEW drafting machine, engineering head. $110. TWIN baby buggy. like new, $23. 353 EG AN 2-7623 Work the easy way with POWER LAWN MOWER.
We- have them tn atoc lor ready delivery. THE BARREL CLEANERS 2318 BARKSDALE BLVD. PHONE 2-4768 HEADACHES? NERVOUS? LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES' SOUTHERN OPTICAL 617 TEXAS Steel Tank Horizontal 8'x2ir Excellent Condition A A GILBERT PIPE AND SUPPLY CO 4037 MANSFIELD ROAD PHONE 2-5529 CONCRETE STEPS. TAKE HOME A SET EASILY SET UP MURTISHAWS 1603 EAST TEXAS PHONE S-8449 ATLAS TIRES, tubes and batteries, road aervlce until 9 BO )X SERVICE STATION. 3028 Greenwood Road, 2-983T McCRAY REFRIGERATORS For all purposes.
Display eases, wall cabinets, coolers, deep freeze caatne'-s with compressors and coils etsneered for use together backed by prompt. etiicient. aepenaaoie service. O. A.
KNOWLES WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF REFRIGERATORS 1104 Marshall St Phone 3-C741 PAINT IT YOURSELF WITH NU-ENAMEL Ideal for kitchen and bath Nu-Enamel Westinghouss 728 Milam Phone 3-3581 SHREVEPORT DEALERS SINCE 1934 EVERYTHING to muId beauty and hr her shops. Get our prices. Cubhage Meaiity jsuppiy i2H Natalie. T-9729. CADDO FIXTURE CO HAS MOVED Buy.
Sell. Trade Nice Selection of Office Furniture and Cafe Eojmmenl 20 1 I LAM ST PHONE 2-491 TENTS AND TARPAULINS Now Available up to 54-f Wide ALL SIZES FN STOCK The Lieber Monroe, Phone 145 FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital Beds and Invalid 4ix3 ALPHONSE BRENNER CO YOUR PLACE TO BUY GOOD FURNITURE AT REASONABLE PRlCEi- 1224 Texas Ave. Opposite Charily Hospital I i oaiiiu Location cince BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP MARCUS FURNITURE CO 721 TEXAS ST. PHONE 3-8rl FOR YOUR NEW HOME LET ME HELP YOU furnish your new noma complete including muorr aavertiseo gas ranges, electric and gas refrigerators. Sealy and American Beauty innerspring mattresses, modem and period furniture.
Terms can be arranged Phone 2-3117 after o.m. 3-1093 or 3-33033. REE THE HYDRAULIC DISHWASHl exceptionally Low Prices BASS MOTOR CO 863 Texas Ave. Phone 3-3336 MOTH AND DUST-PROOF closets witn CEDARTTEX Call or write John Cod- ln gton .1 1 5 78t hS Phone 7-TS'M. REBUILT generators and starters tor all care Banks Auto Parte.
131 Airport Drive. Agora. 3-0179. Friedrich Refrigerators Butchers' Supplies J. L.
WACKERL 2038-30 TEXAS AVE. PHONE Carpet Sweepers, $5.95 Schorr Appliance. 1139 Texas. 3-4333 i'ri National Want Ad Week. Mora va Mora Aeldari Mora BUSINESS SERVICE (3- TAILORING.
DRESSMAKING ran alterations, call Mr. Ruth 117 r.gan, 731 hUP.DISII MASSA6K MIIJ-INERY Complete work room service Rarnthouse Millinery. 303 Lev n'innini belts. Martha Marvin, 7J9 Stepnenson 7-35. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 12211 GILBERT PHONE 3-0489 Individ Ml dress shop Dmtmiklni and" alterations.
444 OUve 3-8244 733) dec. SEAT COVERS 2-or, for prires on upholstering and draperies; quick delivery WE DO UPHOLSTERING Nice work Price MS Weatern Ave Phone 2-8595 LILES ENTERPRISE Upholstering. work guaranteed. Phone --JB17. SOUTfiERN HOME DECORATORS FASHION-STYLE In upholstering.
Klip covera and draperies. ve make It for you or sell you the apnea by the yar4: Home of the country 'a finest fabrics ON SALE NOW Consult Our Decorators Hid M.KKET PHONES: 714 2 0470 Upholstering, Slip Covers, Draperies Will tell by the yard or make. It up TERMS ir DESIRED LOE DECORATING 180O HIGHLAND AVENTJS PHONE 2-7405 ALTA pUTLER -ANTIQUES EUKNITTIRE UPHOLSTERED Feflrl-ihed and repair paired Expert work- manihip Call 2-4537 for tree estimate. Upholstering, furniture, any condition BITTLE REPAIR SHOP IBftl LAUREL 8TREET. PHONE 3-8202 TOM'S UPHOliSTERY SHOP 2W Southern Avenue Phona R893 Upholstering, Slip Covers and Drapery Fabrics FINEST SELECTION In this area.
Ex- imtT workmanship guaranteed. Terms PROMPT DELIVERY MURPHEY'S DECORATORS UPHOLSTERERS 2100 Marshall Phone 3-8551 (31) HATCH REPAIRINJ GR AMBLING'S WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR Second Floor Ward Bldg; Phone 2-5105 GOOD THINGS TO EAT HARRY'S PAMOUS BARBECUE 1760 TEXAS, BOSSIER CITY OPEN EVERY DAY MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT PALOMAR RESTAURANT AND BAR Finest mixed drinks. Excellent and tasty food Popular prices. Across from Snrevenort Country club. Greenwood road, hlt'hway 80 ABLON'S RESTAURANT Shreveport's finest; bring the family and friends never close.
420 Marshall. DINE MISTLETOE CAFE MILES OUT MINDEN ROAD Special steak, chicken, spaghetti dinners. Open all dav Sunday Reservations for parties. Phone County 4804. EMPLOYMENT (3 HELP WANTED MALE HAVE OPENING for 2 experienced salesmen with car.
If you are Interested In working and inaWInt? money, we have an attractive proposition. Apply In person after 9 a.m. GENERAL GAS CORP. Bossier City, La. Attention Pharmacists have openings in both suburban and downtown locations iri Mobile, we have a most attractive position to offer with good drug atore hours and we are a progressive home-owned chain.
If you wlih to advance yourself, please nte us. P. O. Box 1608. Mobile, Ala.
WANTED By Large Dept. Store Capable man with pleasing personality to manage watch and Jewelry repair department. Will train to meet ouali- fuaiioiis if you possess selling abilitv. ina. lent position with excellent opportunities.
Write Box 132-A, The Times WANTED Experienced lob shoo ma- rninlst. George L. tmnv. Eemday. La.
union iviacnine cuiu- WANTED By expanding contract seis-nmgraph company, experienced computer and recording truck helpers. Give full details of experience, education, references, age, pay expected. In first letter. RELIABLE GEOPHYSICAL CO. RUSTON.
PHONE 1144 Band saw filer who can weld. Sawyer for right hand band mill. Uiock.etter for Trout Set Works. May Brothers Garden City, La. WANTED Man for laundry route.
Must be able to make bond. Apply Shreveport Laundry and Dry Cleaning 735 Howell Street EXPERIENCED yard man, part Ume. phone 8514 or apply 1828 Irving Place. LARGE INDEPENDENT OlL COMPANY needs district geologist in Shreveport. No faea.
Confidential, Oil Industry Employment Se-rvlce. P. O. Box 2003, Tulsa, Ok lahoma. YOUNG MAN To maintain Inventory control records, supervise and assist receiving and shipping.
High school graduate with clerical training or experience. Opportunity for advancement with national concern, WRITE BOX 118-1 The Tlmea MEN wanted to train for Diesel tractor, heavy equipment work. Quickly qualify for big paying lobs. Training doesn't interfere with present employment. For interview call C.
N. Jones Imme diately, tiaraner noiei REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted by local established firm. Good opportunity for alert man to earn large commissions. Must have good car, be neat In appearance and between 2.J and 33 years of age. Previous experience not essential but preferred.
Wrjte Box 127-A. The Times. YOUNG MAN FOR GENERAL office work, five day week. Phone 4-1401 for appointment, American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corporation, 1H18 Southern Avenue. Shreveport, Louisiana.
Wanted For Immediate Employment Experienced dry kiln operator for floor-in- nlunt located in Monroe. Lulllslana. Aoply in writing, giving qualifications. reffrrences. and salary exoected Louisiana Central Lumber Co.
Clarks, Louisiana WANTED Two combination oilfield Boilermakers and welders! good lob for mechanics, no drunks or handymen. rite or wire Sargent Boiler Shop Box 06, New Iberia, La. WANTED-Blocksetter. Cunningham mill. Good wanes Phone 2.i0J (jastor or apply Methvin.
Castor. La SALES ENGINEER Prefer graduate chemical or petroleum engineer about 30. familiar with refinery operation, interested In securing Income proportional to work done. pleasant, dignified work with progressive company; annual earnings Sti.000 or higher. Write Box 104-E, The Times WANTED Man to operate planer.
Must be familiar with Miaslssippi No. 22. Permanent lob and good pay. Must have references. No drunkard need apply.
E. M. Pyle Lumber company. 3H.I9 Greenwood road. Phone 3-0178.
Derrick Operator Veneer Lathe Operator Chicago Mill and Lumber Co. T.illulah, Louisiana (37) AGENTS AND SALESMEN NEED 13 MEN to travel in crews, no age limit. Selling experience helpful but not necessary. Earn as high as $90 weekly. See Mr.
Taylor, Inn Hotel, 5 p.m. -7 p.m. Tuesday or Wednesday. EMPLOYMENT (37) AGENTS AND SALESMEN Catex SALESMEN Lowest nrices Wholesaler. 610 Commerce, Shreveport.
WANTED By Newest Funeral Home in Town SALESMAN to sell burial Insurance. Must be reliable. APPLY LOUISIANA FUNERAL HOME 1030 Louisiana Ave. OUR SALESMEN EARN WEEKLY CAR ESSENTIAL Old Line Legal Reserve Stock Company CALL MR. WINN, 3-3100 (38) HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED SALESLADY Experienced Only RIVET'S READY-TO-WEAR 208 Giddens-Lane Bldg.
PERMANENT POSITION, buyer and mer- chandise manager, smauwear, jingerie and cosmetics. Exclusive ladies fashion atore in Austin, Texas. State previous experience, qualifications. Inquiries strictly confidential. Write Box 119-E.
The Times. EXTRA MONEY EASY FOR YOU! Just show friends newest greeting cards lor birthdays, other occasions, big value I5-card assortment sells on siKht for II. Pay up to 50c. profit. 12 other popular aellers, 60c up.
Stationery, experience unnecessary. Samples on ap proval. ARTISTIC. 260 Way. Elmira.
N. Y. COLORED WOMAN for cleaning and ironing; two days a week, lot) E. ilobin-son. YOUNO LADY with advertising exoeri- ence for outside work.
Phone Z-Z4H0. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS DAY WORK. CALL. 9186 WANTED Cigar girL Experience pre ferred. Call 3-4226.
FIRST RATE secretary and typist, age 30-40 preferred, temporary. Top salary to intelligent accurate work; Apply in person only. St. John's high school campaign office. 618 Market street.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and typist. Good working conditions, steady employment. $130 month. In reply state age. qualifications and experience Write Box 128-A.
The t'mcs. Waitress Wanted Split Shift Apply Carter's Cafe 1011 Jordan WAITRESS AND FOUNTAIN HELP APPLY IN PERSON LIGGETT'S DRUG 601 TEXAS WANTED Stenographer and Typist For general office of large lumber manufacturing concern: give references and salary expected. Write Box 105-E. The Tlmes WOMEN SELUdresses. lingerie and little girla clothes In own neighborhood.
Plenty to sell, quick delivery. Write Box 975. Shreveport WOMEN Build business of your own make to or more daily. Selling our lovely spring dresses In your area. Write Maisonette Frocks.
P. O. Box 1431. Shreveport. La.
Phone 2-1609. WAITRESSES WANTED APPLY IN PERSON BROADMOOR DRUG YOUREE AT OCKLEY DRIVE EXPERIENCED STOCKROOM MARKING CLERK RETAIL STORE Mu be good at detail and able to type. Permanent position to right party. Apply in Own Handwriting P. O.
BOX 1355 WANTED Experienced Stenographer Secretary Top position and salary for competent person. State age and references. Write Box 133-A, The Times WAITRESSES WANTED APPLY IN PERSON MORRIS-DICKSON DRUG FAIRTIELD AT MARGARET PLACE (40) HOUSEHOLD HELP RELIABLE COLORED WOMATj for house work and ironing, all day lob, 4 days. A-l references requlred. 7-0752.
MAID WANTED Terma arranged on" in terview, 372 Albany WHITE LADY to do housework and cooking. Call 2-8105. MAID, no cooking, light laundry. Sun- da.vs off. Every other Thursday.
5. B01 Sheridan. MATD between 25 and 35. Hours 8:30 to 4:30. Apply 821 Merrick after 4:00 (41) MALE AND FEMALE HECp MAN AND WOMANFry cook, grill work.
Apply in person. Bantam Grin, aiu Market St. CITY DIRECTORY wants men and wom en to take names, run time omy, no part time. Apply 206 Majestic Bldg. rt.1.
SHREVEPORT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY for Your Personnel Needs PROFESSIONAL CLERICAL, DOM ESTIC SALES Immediate Openings Secretary, some legal, light bookkeeping, secretary could do $173-9200 Bookkeeper. A-l firm, begin $150-8200 3 Bookkeeper, female 4 -Secretary, opportunity to ad-vance Open 5 Typist. A-l speed $125-8130 6 Asalstant bookkeeper-typist $123 7 Secretary, 5-day week $130 8 Secretary, salary equal to ability $173 9 Secretary, B-day week $130 10 Telephone information girl per-, rnanent. begin, month $90 11 Mechanical engineer, graduate or equivalent wanted. 25-35 years, some electrical knowledge would help, ground floor, opportunity for advancement, begin 12 Mill worker, woodwork set-up man.
capable of supervising machine workers and determining detail requirements from blueprints, opportunity for advancement, begin S300 up 13 Warehouseman. 21-33. high school graduate or better, national firm, opportunity for advancement, begin un 14 Yount? man. assist on truck $113 See Mr. Lankford.
Room 223. 405'a Texas Shreveport Employment WA Salesmen and salesladies to sell hospitalization insurance in city and rural area. Leads furnished. Must be honest, sober and best of references. Car necessary.
Apply Belmont Bldg. SALESMEN HIGH CLASS, man or woman to represent national organization in Shreveport and surrounding towns. A most unique plan worth easily $6,000 per year to right party. We teach you and you earn money immediately if you can meet people and sell. AH correspondence confidential.
Write Box 921. Shreveport, for interview. Wanted Colored Dinner Cook Apply Carter's Cafe 1011 Jordan St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Cash for Mercantile Stocks Write Goldman, 31 Texas Shreveport FOR SALE Most popular restaurant tn Southern Louisiana. Best of equipment now doing excellent business.
DeRnussell e's Hestaura nt. Crow ley. Ln. For Prompt Shipment NEW DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Cleaners and Laundries Equipment Co. S18 Lake Shreveport, La.
phone 3-0603 Wanted Dry Goods Store Write Bookstaff 342 Merrick Street Shreveport. L8; Phone 2-9503 2-d476 DO YOU Wish to save money on quality printing? Call 2-4H40. bamples shown after 5 p.m. and Saturdays. Can you beat this? 1,000 business cards, $2.95.
(47) OIL PROPOSITIONS WE BUY PIPE THREAD PROTECTORS Valley Steel Products LEON SHANLEYS. 3-3583 MONEY TO LOAN AUTO LOANS QUICK CONFIDENTIAL We will finance the car you are buyintr or selling or loan you money on your far no delay. SHREVEPORT AUTO FINANCE CO. 223 MARKET ST. 2-8707 Quick, Helpful, Convenient Loans From $25 to $5,000 HOME FINANCE.
SERVICE HONOR LOANS (On Your Signature Only) Loans on Other Security Money for Any Purpose Loans for Businessmen Special Dept. for Ladies Market Street JUST OFF TEXAS ST. PHONE FOR YOUR MONEY JUST PHONE YOUR FRIENDLY AND RELIABLE HOME FINANCE OFFICE. TELL US HOW MUCH YOU WANT. AND GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU ARRIVE.) Home Finance Service A New, Beautiful.
Conveniently Located Office with THE Loan Plan for Your Individual Need. Whatever It May Be. Phone 3-1535 NEED $25 S75 FOR SPRING Or Other Expenses? Get a PayDay Loan at our New Office Cash quickly, on Just your name. If you need just a few extra dollars to tide you over. No co-signers required.
Come in, walk out with the cash ln your pocket WE ALSO MAKE AUTO to $1,000 Signature Loans Up to $500 See or Phone Us Today I Aetna Finance Co. 723 Marshall (SECOND FLOOR) Phone 4-3263 QUICK LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES Firearms, Cameras, or Any thing of Value. See Us. Ark-La-Tex' Largest and Leading Licensed and Bonded Pawnbrokers WALL'S, 611 Texas, 3-8667 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY KIND OF VALUE KAHN-LEVINE 516-18 Common St Phone 3-2404 $Money to Loan ON ANYTHING OF VALUE CONFIDENTIAL, QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE CADDO JEWELRY AND LOAN CO. 719 Texas St.
May Son REALTORS 33S WARD BLDG PHONE 3-0541 IF YOU are in trouble or need money, the man most likely to help you is Lawrence L. May. Lawrence L. May Son 333 Ward Bldg. Loans Ph, 3-Q541 OUR LOANS Meet Your Requirements WITH 1.
Small Monthly Payments 2. Low Interest Rates 3. Prompt Courteous Service LET. US FINANCE YOUR NEXT NEW OR USED CAR Commercial Securities Co. 1321 Texas Ave.
Phone 2-5784 (4K) MORTGAGES. INVESTM ENTS SELL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 1HRU STOEil. PHONE 2-8J41 We Make Real Estate Loans Shreveport. Bossier City. 48-Hour Service Barrow, Leary Co 515 MARKET ST PHONE 2-8351 GUARANTY MORTGAGE REALTY INC.
FHA, O) and Conventional Loans "SPECIAL SEliVlCE FOR SERVICE PEOPLE" 525 MARKET ST PHONE 4-1485 Frank Graham Makes Loans FHA AND GI LOANS 4 Mortgage Interest Rate 1st Federal Savings Loan Assn. CROCKETT JsTKEET AT McNEIL LOANS TO COLORED PEOPLE Lawrence L. May Son 333 Ward Bldg Phone 3-0541 LOANS ON REAL Estate only. Payments as low as i on unpaid balance. W.
I. LYNCH 2-2245 MONEY TO LOAN (49) REAL ESTATE LOANS TO LOAN In North Louisiana For All-Type Home Repair Loans Plumbing Heating Insulation Venetian Blinds Driveways Attic Fans Landscaping Fencing Termiting Roofing JACK ELGIN PH. 3-0633 T. J. Bettes Co.
622 Ardis Bldg. FOR SALE ARTICLES House of Hot Water Heaters Special price on hot water heaters, 4, and 5 foot bath tubs with chrome trimmings. Call us for complete plumbing jobs and septic tanks. No down payment, with 3 years to pay. Tn-State Plumbing, 3-8628 MAN'S diamond rlns.
Over 1 carat, $350. 7-2375. ALL TYPES hardware, sporting goods and electrical appliances. STEPHENSON HARDWARE 507 Barksdale C. Ph.
2-7516 OUTSIDE White paint Canvas, wall paper SOUTHERN GLASS CO. 213 TEXAS PHONE J-4670 NEW HOOVER CLEANERS Are now available tn small quantities Place orders now Hoover's serviced. CAHN ELECTRIC CO 708 MILAM ST. PHONE 3-0257 Steel Clothes Lockers Size 24x24x72 Brand New Tents Size 16x16x11 ft. Joe Gold Pipe Supply 4134 Mansfield Road Phone 4-3219 48 INCH attic tan, 'i h.
p. motor, per- leci condition. Also 7 quart rsationai Pressure Cooker. New. Phone 3-3394.
NEW WINDOW SHADES TONTINE washable, limited sires, manufactured in our own snop DU PONT PAINT SEltVICF STORE 224 Texas St. Phone 2-9501 TOLEDO SCALES Hussmann Refrigeration Complete Line Food Store Equipment George W. McCue A. B. Wynn 631 Spring St Phone 6248 DIRT FOR SALE Fill dirt, sand suitable for concrete base.
Thone 4-2556, For Fence Posts, Steel Drums or Structural Steel, Call GUS FRIEDMAN SCRAP AND SALVAGE 3811 Greenwood Road Ph. 4-3221 WE BUY SCRAP! SOUTHERN WHIRLWIND POWER LAWN MOWER DISTRIBUTOR LAWN GARDEN EUU1P. CO. 442 Olive Street Phone 3-0439 Washed-Air Fans G. E.
and BARBROOK Attic window fans, farm and home freezers, dry beverage collers. reach-In refrigerators, power lawn mowers, milk coolers and milkers, l-ton Carrier room cooler, water-coolers, 5. 10 and 20 gallon capacity. We feature General Electric home, commercial refrigeration and appliances, sales and service on all makes commercial refrlKeratien for markets and stores, armature service. Also radio repairs.
O. Box 418, Vivian, La. CYPRESS BOAT, well built, boat lum ber H.II. 5 foot bath tub. fittings, 36 inch attic fan.
motor, liquid as- ihalt roof coating 9 gul cans, 60 Inch titchen sink, lti rolls plain roofing. near esti mner. Power Mowing Machines Famous Lawn Dokter built by Musgrave and powered with 1V h.p. Clinton air cooled motor, unquestionably one of the finest machines on the market. Taylor Farm Implement Co.
Ph. 2-1739 207 Crockett St. TOP SOIL A Yards Per Load Thone 7-6464 Sundays Weekdays 2-2411 ONE-HORSE BLUE Kelly turning plows $3.95 each: Georgia stocks $4.23 each: Fishing canes 13c each; Spades. $1.50 each. Many other bargains.
THE RACKET STORE 1817 Texas Ave phone 9302 100-STEP-ON Garbage Cans, good condition $1.50 each. New Mae West life preservers, $3.50 each. Caddo House Wrecking Co. 318 Common St. LAWNMOWERS.
Flnt class shape. Less than half price. 2420 B-rksdale Bossier. 2-3443. WE WILL FINANCE anything you buy or sell.
Personal Finance 203 Giddens-Lane Bldg. Phone 2-8771. Clinton Gasoline Engine Suitable for all types of work Gross Williams Appliance Co. 309 E. Texas, B.
C. Ph. 3-2131 Roofing tar. $3 barrel: office swivel chair. $7.50: Delco light plant.
$05: tool boxes. $2. vises. S8 50 to $15. Caddo House Wrecking Co.
318 Common St. Phone U. S. Slicers Standard Scales Enterprise Choppers. Wells Quickut Saws.
S. Meat Delleator Butcher Supplies BOWLIN CHAMLEE INC. 1042 Marshall St Phone 3-3338 65 -POINT dinmond rin Writ Box 116-A. The Times. ORNAMENTAL IRON CAST OR WROUGHT HAND RAILS.
COLUMNS. ETC. Bayou Metal Products Co. BOX 731 C. STATION PHONE 7-2129 SACRIFICE An Original DoubUny painting.
1817-1878. Call 2-45S7 or 1616 Market St. A VIE OUTSIDE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM AWNINGS VENETIAN BINDS WOMACK 7-3051 20 CYPRESS CHURCH BENCHES. 10 ft. long, in good condition.
J. G. Pyron, Collinston. La. WASHING machine wringer rolls for all makes.
(Bring your old one! Schorr ApDlian-e, 1159 Texas. 3-4533 Home of Dexter Washing Machine YOUR "NORGE DEALER" LAWTON REALTY 3116 LINE AVE. J. G. Reid, 2-8440.
2-7219 CONCRETE StepsSidewalks. Driveways SPRING FILLED studio "divans Whlt-fiela-Phlllips Furniture Co. Phone 2-9516 PIPE PIPE 4" 6" 8" For welding structural use. Also 34" std. black for gas or water.
A-l shape. BENDER SUPPLY CO. 1205 Marshall St. Ph. 2-3276 SHRIMP BUSTER HERBY-K 1833 PIERRE AVF--CURB SF.RVICE Inauro Your Automobile or Home With WR AY-RAMSEY CO.
General Insurance 721 Ardla llldg. Phono 3-2319 DIRT FOR SALE Red river, 4 yards S3. Iron Clothesline Poles, $8 Pair Phone 2-4484 4.